CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2020; 99(S 02): S20
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1710784
Aerodigestive tract

The International BVFP Registry

O Guntinas-Lichius
1   Klinik und Poliklinik für HNO, Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde Jena
R Hagen
2   Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenkrankheiten Würzburg
A Müller
3   Klinik für HNO-Heilkunde/Plastische Operationen, SRH Wald-Klinikum Gera
M Gugatschka
4   Hals-, Nasen-, Ohren-Universitätsklinik, Klinische Abteilung für Phoniatrie Graz Austria
C Pototschnig
5   Klinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria
P Zorowka
5   Klinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria
S Yaremchuk
6   Mediziische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institute of Otolaryngology "Prof. Kolomiychenko" Kiew Ukraine
M Grosheva
7   Hals-Nasen-Ohrenklinik, Uniklinik Köln
JT. Maurer
8   Universitäts-HNO-Klinik Mannheim Mannheim
Jan-Constantin Kölmel
9   Klinik für Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenkrankheiten, Plastische Operationen, Katharinenhospital Stuttgart Stuttgart
B Schneider-Stickler
10   Klinische Abteilung für Phoniatrie-Logopädie, Univ.-Klinik für Hals-, Nasen- u. Ohrenkrankheiten Wien Austria
T Nawka
11   Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Audiologie und Phoniatrie Berlin
› Author Affiliations

    Introduction Bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) is a rare disease with an iatrogenic cause in most of the cases. The main treatment available for this condition is surgical glottal enlargement (48 %), which effectively restore the air patency in the majority of the patients, although at the expenses of their voice quality. Being a rare disease, BVFP diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up are not standardized and hugely vary from hospital to hospital and from country to country. In an attempt to improve the standardization of this procedure, we are conducting an international registry in Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Spain, and UK to compare procedures and outcomes.

    Methods Data are collected both retro- and prospectively. The registry was approved in 2015. At abstract submission, 329 retro- and 59 prospective cases have been collected.

    Results The evaluation of the retrospective data showed that although the main symptoms of BVFP are moderate to severe respiratory problems, the diagnosis is mostly based on videolaryngo(strobe)scopy than on spirometric parameters (23 %). Also, even if BVFP patients generally show an impaired voice before treatment, there is a lack of collection of both objective, e.g. Voice Range Profile (31 %), and subjective, e.g. Roughness, Breathiness, Hoarseness (35 %) or VHI (18 %) outcome measures. Only 20 % of the patients are followed-up for 3m post-treatment and this percentage drops below 10 % within the successive 2 years.

    Conclusions The lack of standardized diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up procedures for BVFP is expected to negatively affect the prognosis of this disease. The evaluation of prospective cases, for which Quality of Life evaluation is foreseen, should help to improve the current status to the benefits of the patients.

    Poster-PDF A-1517.PDF


    MED-EL sponsored the study the results of which are summarized in this abstract in full agreement with the provisions of the currently valid ISO 14155

    Orlando Guntinas-Lichius
    Klinik und Poliklinik für HNO, Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde
    Am Klinikum 1
    07747 Jena

    Publication History

    Article published online:
    10 June 2020

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