Ultraschall Med 2017; 38(06): 668-670
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-123135
EFSUMB Newsletter
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

EFSUMB Committees

Weitere Informationen


19. Dezember 2017 (online)


Executive Bureau (ExB) 2017 – 2019

Paul Sidhu (UK)

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Adrian Saftoiu (RO)

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President Elect

Odd Helge Gilja (NO)

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Past President

Andreas Serra (CH)

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Honorary Secretary

Christian Jenssen (DE)

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Honorary Treasurer


Education & Professional Standards Committee (EPSC)

Helmut Prosch (AT)

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Alina Popescu (RO)

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Vladimir Mitkov (RU)

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Maija Radzina (LV)

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Matthias Wuestner (DE)

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Wojcieck Kosiak (PL)

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Co-opted member

Congress President 2018

Carmen Garre (SP)

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Co-opted member

Congress President 2019

Adrian Saftoiu (RO)

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ExB Ex-officio member

Congress President 2021


Publications Commmittee

Vito Cantisani (IT)

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Chairman & EFSUMB EJU Editor

Alexandros Sotiriadis (GR)

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EFSUMB Newsletter Editor

Radu Badea (RO)

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Florian Faschingbauer (DE)

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Roald Flesland Havre (NO)

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Adrian Lim (UK)

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Co-opted member

Case of the Month Editor

Caroline Ewertsen (DK)

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Co-opted member

Andreas Serra (CH)

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ExB Ex-officio member


EFSUMB Committee for Medical Ultrasound Safety (ECMUS)

Christian Kollmann (AT)

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Klaus-V Jenderka (DE)

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Literature Secretary

Fernando Jimenez (SP)

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Ferdinando Draghi (IT)

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Ragnar Sande (NO)

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EFSUMB Student Committee (ESC)

Codruta Constantinescu (RO)

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Ann-Sophie Schlager (CH)

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Eivind Valestrand (NO)

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Madara Radua (LV)

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Giovanni Del Gaudio (IT)

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Phillip Niederkofler (AT)

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Florian Recker (DE)

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EFSUMB General Secretary

Lynne Rudd

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