Semin Thromb Hemost 2003; 29: 009-012
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-45410
Copyright © 2003 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel.: +1(212) 584-4662

Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin or Oral Anticoagulation for Secondary Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Cancer Patients

Mark Levine
  • Professor, Departments of Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Buffett Taylor Chair in Breast Cancer Research, McMaster University, Canada
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16. Dezember 2003 (online)


Thrombosis in the cancer patient is a unique problem. Cancer patients with acute venous thromboembolism are at increased risk of its recurrence compared with noncancer patients. Cancer patients are also at increased risk of anticoagulant-associated bleeding compared with noncancer patients. Finally, many cancer patients have a compromised quality of life and recurrent thrombosis has an additional negative impact on them.

In order to optimize treatment of acute venous thromboembolism in cancer patients, the following outcomes must be considered: a reduction in the rate of recurrent venous thromboembolism, a reduction in the risk of bleeding compared to that seen with current anticoagulant treatment regimens, and a positive impact on the quality of life of the patient.


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