DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue 01 · Volume 27 · February 1979 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13569

Invited Editorial

Walter, P.; Schwarz, F.; Flameng, W.; Hehrlein, F.: Determinants of Restricted Aorta-coronary Bypass Graft Flow
Radtke, H. J. H.; de Wet Lubbe, J. J.; Jansön, P. M. C.; Barnard, P. M.: Penetrating Wounds of the Heart and Pericardium
Tandon, A. P.; Lukacs, L. I.; Smith, D. R.; Ionescu, M. I.: Mitral Annuloplasty – A Long Term Clinical and Haemodynamic Study
Schoevaerdts*, J. C.; Jaumin*, P.; Ponlot*, R.; Chalant*, Ch. H.; Grunkemeier**, G. L.: Twelve Year Results with a Caged-Ball Mitral Prosthesis
Achatzy, R.; Dittrich, H.; Jelesijevic, V.; Knoll, D.; Lunkenheimer, P. P.; Anyanwu, E.: Rupture of the Ventricle Following Prosthetic Replacement of the Mitral Valve