DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue 05 · Volume 50 · October 2002 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2200

Original Cardiovascular

Klass, O.; Mehlhorn, U.; Zilkens, K.; Kröner, A.; Hekmat, K.; Geissler, H. J.; de Vivie, E. R.: Impact of Hematocrit Value after Coronary Artery Surgery on Perioperative Myocardial Infarction Rate
Daebritz, S. H.; Tiete, A. R.; Rassoulian, D.; Roemer, U.; Kozlik-Feldmann, R.; Sachweh, J. S.; Netz, H.; Reichart, B.: Borderline Hypoplastic Left Heart Malformations: Norwood Palliation or Two-Ventricle Repair?
Tiete, A. R.; Sachweh, J. S.; Kozlik-Feldmann, R.; Netz, H.; Reichart, B.; Daebritz, S. H.: Minimally Invasive Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects in Paediatric Patients
Osswald, B. R.; Tochtermann, U.; Schweiger, P.; Göhring, D.; Thomas, G.; Vahl, C. F.; Hagl, S.; and the HVMD Study Group: Minimal Early Mortality in CABG - Simply a Question of Surgical Quality?
Dogan, S.; Aybek, T.; Khan, M. F.; Kessler, P.; Mierdl, S.; Kleine, P.; Moritz, A.; Wimmer-Greinecker, G.: Computer-Enhanced Telemanipulation Enables a Variety of Totally Endoscopic Cardiac Procedures
Lim, E.; Callaghan, C.; Motalleb-Zadeh, R.; Wallard, M.; Misra, N.; Ali, A.; Halstead, J. C.; Tsui, S.: A Prospective Study on Clinical Outcome Following Pleurotomy during Cardiac Surgery

Original Thoracic

Fujimoto, T.; Matsui, T.; Hanawa, T.; Yamashita, N.; Goto, M.; Motoishi, M.; Furukawa, S.; Okazaki, T.; Matsukura, T.; Kuwabara, M.; Matsubara, Y.: Lung Herniation as an Anatomic Consequence of Pneumonectomy

Original Cardiothoracic

Chen, Q.; Yoshimura, T.; Kawashima, M.; Hanaoka, N.; Fukuse, T.; Bando, T.; Wada, H.: A Novel Sialyl Lewisx Analogue Attenuates Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Rabbit Lung
Divisi, D.; Montagna, P.; Jegaden, O.; Ferrera, R.; Frika, R.; Santé, P.; Crisci, R.; Mikaeloff, P.: Lung Transplantation by Continuous Perfusion in an Experimental Auto-Transplant Animal Model

Case Report

