DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue 05 · Volume 51 · October 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2880


Original Cardiovascular

Gansera, B.; Schiller, M.; Kiask, T.; Angelis, I.; Neumaier-Prauser, P.; Kemkes, B. M.: Internal Thoracic Artery vs. Vein Grafts - Postoperative Angiographic Findings in Symptomatic Patients after 1000 Days
Geissler, H. J.; Bloch, W.; Förster, S.; Mehlhorn, U.; Krahwinkel, A.; Kroener, A.; Addicks, K.; deVivie, E. R.: Morphology and Density of Initial Lymphatics in Human Myocardium Determined by Immunohistochemistry
Knobloch, K.; Lichtenberg, A.; Pichlmaier, M.; Mertsching, H.; Krug, A.; Klima, U.; Haverich, A.: Microcirculation of the Sternum Following Harvesting of the Left Internal Mammary Artery
Welcker, K.; Marian, P.; Thetter, O.; Siebeck, M.: Cost and Quality of Life in Thoracic Surgery
Doll, N.; Kornherr, P.; Aupperle, H.; Fabricius, A. M.; Kiaii, B.; Ullmann, C.; Schneider, K.; Dhein, S.; Schoon, H.-A.; Rastan, A.; Walther, T.; Mohr, F. W.: Epicardial Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Using Cryoablation in an Acute Off-pump Sheep Model

Original Thoracic


Shitrit, D.; Fink, G.; Sahar, G.; Eidelman, L.; Saute, M.; Kramer, M. R.: Successful Lung Transplantation Following Lung Volume Reduction Surgery

Original Cardiovascular

Hotta, K.; Sekine, I.; Suzuki, K.; Kondo, H.; Asamura, H.; Sumi, M.; Yamamoto, N.; Kunitoh, H.; Ohe, Y.; Tamura, T.; Kodama, T.; Saijo, N.; Tsuchiya, R.: Distant Failure after Treatment of Postoperative Locoregional Recurrence of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Case Reports

Original Paper

Letter to the Editor