DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 03 · Volume 26 · April 2005 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3972

Physiology & Biochemistry

Rehrer, N. J.; Goes, E.; DuGardeyn, C.; Reynaert, H.; DeMeirleir, K.: Effect of Carbohydrate on Portal Vein Blood Flow During Exercise
McAnulty, S. R.; McAnulty, L.; Pascoe, D. D.; Gropper, S. S.; Keith, R. E.; Morrow, J. D.; Gladden, L. B.: Hyperthermia Increases Exercise-induced Oxidative Stress
Robinson, N.; Schattenberg, L.; Zorzoli, M.; Mangin, P.; Saugy, M.: Haematological Analysis Conducted at the Departure of the Tour de France 2001

Training & Testing

Clinical Sciences

Durand, F.; Kippelen, P.; Ceugniet, F.; Gomez, V. R.; Desnot, P.; Poulain, M.; Préfaut, C.: Undiagnosed Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction in Ski-Mountaineers

Behavioral Sciences