DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 16 · Mai 1995 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5702

Physiology and Biochemistry

Müns, G.; Singer, P.; Wolf, F.; Rubinstein, I.: Impaired Nasal Mucociliary Clearance in Long-Distance Runners
Hambrecht, R. Ph.; Niebauer, J.; Fiehn, E.; Marburger, C. T.; Muth, T.; Offner, B.; Kübler, W.; Schuler, G. C.: Effect of an Acute β-Adrenergic Blockade on the Relationship Between Ventilatory and Plasma Lactate Threshold
Pasman, W. J.; van Baak, M. A.; Jeukendrup, A. E.; de Haan, A.: The Effect of Different Dosages of Caffeine on Endurance Performance Time
van der Brug, G. E.; Peters, H. P. F.; Hardeman, M. R.; Schep, G.; Mosterd, W. L.: Hemorheological Response to Prolonged Exercise -No Effects of Different Kinds of Feedings
Pokan, R.; Schwaberger, G.; Hofmann, P.; Eber, B.; Toplak, H.; Gasser, R.; Fruhwald, F. M.; Pessenhofer, H.; Klein, W.: Effects of Treadmill Exercise Protocol with Constant and Ascending Grade on Levelling-Off O2 Uptake and VO2max
Lemmer, J. T.; Fleck, S. J.; Wallach, J. M.; Fox, S.; Burke, E. R.; Kearney, J. T.; Storms, W. W.: The Effects of Albuterol on Power Output in Non-Asthmatic Athletes

Training and Testing

Gray, G. L.; Matheson, G. O.; McKenzie, D. C.: The Metabolic Cost of Two Kayaking Techniques

Behavioural Science

Koltyn, K. F.; Raglin, J. S.; O'Connor, P. J.; Morgan, W. P.: Influence of Weight Training on State Anxiety, Body Awareness and Blood Pressure