DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 06 · Dezember 1985 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-9225

Gray, J.; Taunton, J. E.; McKenzie, D. C.; Clement, D. B.; McConkey, J. P.; Davidson, R. G.: A Survey of Injuries to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament of the Knee in Female Basketball Players
Boulay, M. R.; Lortie, G.; Simoneau, J. A.; Hamel, P.; Leblanc, C.; Bouchard, C.: Specificity of Aerobic and Anaerobic Work Capacities and Powers
Zonderland, M. L.; Erich, W. B. M.; Peltenburg, A. L.; Bernink, M. J. E.; Saris, W. H. M.; Havekes, L.; van Erp-Baart, A. M. J.: Nutrition of Premenarcheal Athletes: Relation with the Lipid and Apolipoprotein Profiles
Kuipers, H.; Keizer, H. A.; Verstappen, F. T. J.; Costill, D. L.: Influence of a Prostaglandin-lnhibiting Drug on Muscle Soreness After Eccentric Work
Niset, G.; Poortmans, J. R.; Leclercq, R.; Brasseur, M.; Desmet, J. M.; Degré, S.; Primo, G.: Metabolic Implications during a 20-km Run after Heart Transplantation
van Baak, M. A.; Jennen, W.; Muijtjens, A.; Verstappen, F. T. J.: Effects of Acute and Chronic Metoprolol Administration During Submaximal and Maximal Exercise
