DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 03 · Volume 27 · 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-36260


2014 WVOC – VOS Abstracts

Review Article

Original Research

Mulherin, B. L.; Snyder, C. J.; Soukup, J. W.; Hetzel, S.: Retrospective evaluation of canine and feline maxillomandibular trauma cases
Mulherin, B. L.; Snyder, C. J.; Soukup, J. W.; Hetzel, S.: Retrospective evaluation of canine and feline maxillomandibular trauma cases
Boland, L.; Danger, R.; Cabon, Q.; Rabillard, M.; Brouard, S.; Bouvy, B.; Gauthier, O.: MMP-2 as an early synovial biomarker for cranial cruciate ligament disease in dogs
Bismuth, C.; Ferrand, F. X.; Millet, M.; Labrunie, A.; Marin, B.; Pillard, P.; Deroy, C.; Fau, D.; Carozzo, C.; Cachon, T.; Viguier, E.: Comparison of radiographic measurements of the patellar tendon-tibial plateau angle with anatomical measurements in dogs
Hazenfield, K. M.; Nylund, A.; Valdes-Martinez, A.; Griffin, L.; Goh, C.; Mackay, C.; Duncan, C.; Palmer, R.; Duerr, F.: Accuracy of a radiographic stitching technique to measure tibial plateau angle in large and giant breed dogs

Clinical Communication

Case Report