DOI: 10.1055/s-00035023

Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Issue 03 · Volume 21 · 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-37410


Original Research

Zahn, K.; Frei, R.; Wunderle, D.; Linke, B.; Schwieger, K.; Guerguiev, B.; Pohler, O.; Matis, U.: Mechanical properties of 18 different AO bone plates and the clamp-rod internal fixation system tested on a gap model construct
Langhoff, J. D.; Mayer, J.; Faber, L.; Kaestner, S. B.; Guibert, G.; Zlinszky, K.; Auer, J. A.; Rechenberg, B. von: Does surface anodisation of titanium implants change osseointegration and make their extraction from bone any easier?
Clayton, H. M.; White, A. D.; Kaiser, L. J.; Nauwelaerts, S.; Lavagnino, M.; Stubbs, N. C.: Short-term habituation of equine limb kinematics to tactile stimulation of the coronet
Poma, R.; Chambers, H.; Costa, R. C. da; Konyer, N. B.; Nykamp, S.; Dobson, H.; Milgram, N. W.: MRI measurement of the canine auditory pathways and relationship with brainstem auditory evoked responses

Clinical Communication

Vezzoni, A.; Dravelli, G.; Vezzoni, L.; De Lorenzi, M.; Corbari, A.; Cirla, A.; Nassuato, C.; Tranquillo, V.: Comparison of conservative management and juvenile pubic symphysiodesis in the early treatment of canine hip dysplasia
Bruce, C. W.; Brisson, B. A.; Gyselinck, K.: Spinal fracture and luxation in dogs and cats
Bruce, C.W.; Brisson, B.A.; Gyselinck, K.: Spinal fracture and luxation in dogs and cats

Brief Communication

Case Report