DOI: 10.1055/s-00052852

World Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Issue 02 · Volume 11 · April 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-012-53615


Original Article

Choudhury, Partha; Savio, E.; Solanki, K.; Alonso, O.; Gupta, A.; Gambini, J.; Doval, Dinesh; Sharma, P.; Dondi, M.: 99m Tc glucarate as a potential radiopharmaceutical agent for assessment of tumor viability: From bench to the bed side
Rasulova, Nigora; Nazirova, Lyudmila; Akhmedov, Khasan; Akhmedova, Dilyafruz; Djalalov, Farrukh; Seydaliev, Amet; Iskandarov, Farkhod; Kok, T.: Observed influence of nitroglycerine on myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in patients with multiple vessel coronary artery disease and well-developed collaterals
Desar, Ingrid; Gilles, Rozemarie; van Herpen, Carla; Timmer-Bonte, Anja J.; Cantarini, Mireille; van der Graaf, Winette; Oyen, Wim: 18 F-FLT-PET for response evaluation of MEK inhibitor selumetinib (AZD6244, ARRY-142886) in patients with solid tumors
Islamian, Jalil; Toossi, Mohammad Taghi; Momennezhad, Mahdi; Zakavi, Seyyed; Sadeghi, Ramin; Ljungberg, Michael: Monte carlo study of the effect of collimator thickness on T-99m source response in single photon emission computed tomography

Case Report

Gayana, Shankaramurthy; Bhattacharya, Anish; Kamaleshwaran, Koramadai; Mittal, Bhagwant: Unilateral breast uptake of Tc-99m pertechnetate in a patient with cold nodule of the thyroid