DOI : 10.1055/s-00000036


Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 102 · Mai 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57506

94th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e.V., Bonn
Congress Center Leipzig, 17.–20.05.2023

President: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

Dimitrova, Nevena; Lochbaum, Robin; Gierke, Angelina; Hahn, Janina; Hoffmann, Thomas; Greve, Jens: Bradykinin reduces proliferation and wound healing in primary endothelial cells
Ewertz, Maximilian; Beule, Georg Achim; Nierkamp, Inga; Gottschling, Hannah Leonie; Soukar, Souhaib; Oberste, Maximilian; Rudack, Claudia: Correlation of clinical symptoms, differential blood count and lung function under biological therapy in severe chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps
Faas, Miriam; Scheckenbach, Kathrin; Stenin, Igor; Brüsseler, Melanie; Knipps, Lisa; Wagenmann, Martin: Real-life analysis of biologics switching in CRSwNP
Gierke, Angelina; Lochbaum, Robin; Hahn, Janina; Müller, Hannes; Brunner, Cornelia; Hoffmann, Thomas; Greve, Jens: Blood Outgrowth Endothelial Cells – A patient-specific cell culture model to study endothelial barrier properties
Griesbaum, Lena; Petry, Julie; Verschoor, Admar; Wollenberg, Barbara: Study of eosinophil-platelet interactions in vitro using a standardized eosinophilic cell line
Karakitsos, Ilias; Zeuner, Rainald; Hoffmann, Markus; Laudien, Martin: Successful therapy with tocilizumab in a patient with therapy-refractory relapsing polychondritis
Kotz, Sebastian; Pechtold, Lisa; Wollenberg, Barbara; Chaker, Adam: Side effects of Anti IL-17 A in the ENT domain
Lochbaum, Robin; Hahn, Janina; Reich, Anna; Müller, Hannes; Zimmermann, Caroline; Hoffmann, Thomas; Greve, Jens: The endothelial glycocalyx acts as a protective barrier in the context of bradykinin-mediated angioedema
Messow, Josephine Helen; Bossaler, Lukas; Ribback, Sylvia; Busch, Chia-Jung; Ihler, Friedrich: Progressive swelling of the tongue and face in a 35-year-old woman in the emergency room
Moratin, Helena; Thöle, Anna; Hagen, Rudolf; Hackenberg, Stephan; Scherzad, Agmal: Influence of ZnO- and Ag-nanoparticles on the epithelial barrier function of human nasal mucosa cells
Pechtold, Lisa; Jakwerth, Constanze; Schmidt-Weber, Carsten; Zißler, Ulrich; Chaker, Adam: Upregulation of regulatory B and T cells in induced sputum following AIT