DOI : 10.1055/s-00000036


Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 102 · Mai 2023 DOI: 10.1055/s-013-57506

94th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e.V., Bonn
Congress Center Leipzig, 17.–20.05.2023

President: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

Almeida-Bedoya, Sofia; Eichhorn, Sabine; Seuthe, M.C. Inga; Park, J.-H. Jonas: Fasciocutaneous supraclavicular island flap as a reconstruction method for through-and-through cheek defect
Breda, Christophe Philippe; Trache, Cristian; Schumacher, Udo; Graf, Thomas vonRothenburg; Böttcher, Arne: An Accessory Muscle Originating from the Hyoid Bone and Inserting into Sternocleidomastoid Fibers
Dommerich, Steffen; Herzog, Michael; Wakonig, Margherita Katharina; Olze, Heidi; Matuschek, Carsten: The use of individual epitheses in the treatment of pharyngotracheal fistulas after salvage surgery
Ebeling, Olaf; Albicker, Stefan; Sutter, Thilo; Panidis, Theodoros; Lindemann, Werner: Interdisciplinary cooperation using the example of gastric pull up for pharyngeal replacement
Hoenle, Adrian; Hierlemann, Helmut; Steinhart, Helmut; Hay, Ulrich; Rapp, Matthias; Rickert, Dorothee: First clinical experience on the use of polymeric implant materials for the closure of a pharyngocutaneous fistula after postradiogenic laryngectomy
Loeck, Jonathan; Knief, Juliana; Schewe, Henning; Herber, Katrin; Münscher, Adrian; Möckelmann, Nikolaus: Intraoperative specimen-driven assessment of resection margins as frozen section diagnosis and videoconference-based evaluation in head and neck carcinomas
Nolte, Steffen; Gazyakan, Emre; Wendlandt, Meike; Kneser, Ulrich; Tisch, Matthias: Free tissue transfer for reconstruction of an esophago-tracheal fistula after laryngectomy and tracheoesophageal puncture
Scherl, Claudia; Pohlmann, Jan; Hesser, Jürgen; MonjiAzad, Sarah; Rotter, Nicole; Affolter, Annette; Lammert, Anne; Huber, Lena; Kramer, Benedikt; Männle, David: Tissueshift: A shape dependent phenomenon with clinical relevance
Sirbu, Mihaela-Iuliana; Pintea, Crina; Orasan, Alexandru; Ciocani, Sonja; Morgovan, Anda; Mot, Cristian; Horhat, Delia: Laser CO2 surgery of early glottic carcinomas and its benefits
Tamse, Rosalie Henriette; Gostian, Antoniu-Oreste; Koch, Michael; Müller, Sarina; Balk, Matthias; Rupp, Robin; Iro, Heinrich; Sievert, Matti: Perioperative anticoagulation in free microvascular flaps – a comparison of different therapeutic regimens in oncologic reconstructive surgery
Wilhelm, Thomas; Bock, Robert; Rudhart, Alexander Stefan; Hoch, Stephan; Stankovic, Petar: Basal cell carcinoma of the head and neck – a retrospective outcome analysis following R0/R1 resection.