DOI : 10.1055/s-00000020

Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde

Ausgabe 10 · Volume 80 · Oktober 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49508

Kongresspräsidentin: Prof. Dr. Barbara Schmalfeldt, DGGG-Präsident: Prof. Dr. Anton J. Scharl
Kongressabstracts zur Tagung 2020 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe (DGGG)
München, 07.-10.10.2020

Huang, Y.-L; Liang, C.-Y; Ritz, D; Coelho, R; Septiadi, D; Estermann, M; Rimmer, N; Vlajnic, T; David, L; Rothen-Rutishauser, B; Jacob, F; Heinzelmann-Schwarz, V: Integrin α2-collagen interaction promotes ovarian cancer metastasis
Huß, A; Hoang, B; Klar, M; Juhasz-Böss, I; Bossart, M: Retrospective unicenter analysis of uterine sarcoma treatment and survival
Kampers, J; Börmer, G; Ertik, F.C; Hillemanns, P; Jentschke, M: CoCoss-trial: Concurrent comparison of self-sampling devices for HPV-detection
Klar, M; Nusbaum, D.J; Matsuzaki, S; Machida, H; Grubbs, B.H; Konishi, I; Mikami, M; Roman, L.D; Matsuo, K: Utility of the 3-tier grouping system for survival discriminatory ability in stage T2a cervical cancer
Klar, M; Machida, H; Grubbs, B.H; Matsuzaki, S; Roman, L.D; Sood, A.K; Gershenson, D.M; Matsuo, K: Diagnosis-shift between low-grade serous ovarian cancer and serous borderline ovarian tumor: A population-based study
Brodowski, L; Hillemanns, P; Hertel, H; Kohls, F: Ökonomische Bewertung der operativen Therapie des Zervixkarzinoms
Kremer, N; Vattai, A.S; Schmöckel, E; Meister, S; Beyer, S; Czogalla, B; Fürst, S; Mahner, S; Corradini, S; Jeschke, U; Kolben, T; Kolben, T: Rolle der Makrophagendifferenzierung und -interaktion mit regulatorischen T-Zellen bei der Progression und Regression der HPV-induzierten Zervixdysplasie
Kuhlmann, J.D; Link, T; Passek, S; Frank, K; Vassileva, Y; Kramer, M; Wimberger, P: Serum Calretinin als unabhängiger Prädiktor für Platinresistenz und Prognose beim Ovarialkarzinom
Kulbe, H; Wu, Z; Taube, E; Kassuhn, W; Darb-Esfahani, S; Jank, P; Abobaker, S; Ringel, F; Sehouli, J; Klein, O; Braicu, E.I: Discovery of prognostic markers for early-stage high-grade serous ovarian cancer by MALDI-Imaging
Kürti, S; Schmalfeldt, B; Ding, Y; Hamester, F; Wölber, L; Prieske, K; Oliviera-Ferrer, L; Karen, L: Protease inhibition reduces the survival of ovarian tumour cells in vitro more than platinum-based chemotherapy
Lackner, A; Li, X; Kahn, R; Baltich, Nelson B; Krinsky, H; Mei, E; Badiner, N; Caputo, T.A; Holcomb, K; Chapman-Davis, E; Nitecki, R; Rauh-Hain, J.A; Sharaf, R; Frey, M.K: Cascade testing für erbliche Tumorerkrankungen: Eine Meta-Analyse
Legler, K; Eylmann, K; Roßberg, M; Qi, M; Ding, Y; Hamester, F; Kürti, S; Alawi, M; Schmalfeldt, B; Oliveira-Ferrer, L: Transkriptom-Analysen der Hamburg Ovarialkarzinom-Kohorte
Mannewitz, M; Beyer, S; Meister, S; Kolben, T.M; Schmoeckel, E; Mayr, D; Anz, D; Perleberg, C; Burges, A; Trillsch, F; Vattai, A; Czogalla, B; Corradini, S; Mahner, S; Jeschke, U; Kolben, T: Impact of monocyte- and macrophage- derived CCL22 on endometrial cancer
Mannewitz, M; Kolben, T; Meister, S; Kolben, T.M; Schmoeckel, E; Mayr, D; Anz, D; Perleberg, C; Burges, A; Trillsch, F; Vattai, A; Corradini, S; Czogalla, B; Mahner, S; Jeschke, U; Beyer, S: Regulatory T-cells as a potential target to overcome immune evasion in endometrial cancer
Wittenborn, J; Weikert, L; Hangarter, B; Stickeler, E; Maurer, J: The use of miRNA in the early detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Pahmeyer, C; Thangarajah, F; Ratiu, D; Schultheis, A.M; Schömig-Markiefka, B; Mallmann, P; Morgenstern, B: Infiltrationstiefe als Kriterium zur Indikationsstellung der Lymphonodektomie beim Vulvakarzinom
Pasternak, J; Obermayr, M; Schepelmann, J; Sternberg, J; Czogalla, B; Burges, A; Hennings, A; Wallwiener, M; Kommoss, S; Brucker, S.Y; Wölber, L; Boschetti, E; Chekerov, R; Pietzner, K; Sehouli, J: Fertility-preserving treatment of stage IA, well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma (EC) or atypical complex hyperplasia (ACH) in young women with hysteroscopic resection and high-dose progesterone therapy
Prieske, K; Woelber, L; Muallem, M.Z; Eulenburg, C; Jückstock, J; Hilpert, F; de Gregorio, N; Iborra, S; Ignatov, A; Hillemanns, P; Fuerst, S.T; Strauss, H.G; Baumann, K; Thiel, F; Mustea, A; Meier, W; Harter, P; Wimberger, P; Hanker, L; Schmalfeldt, B; Canzler, U; Fehm, T; Luyten, A; Hellriegel, M; Kosse, J; Heiss, C; Hantschmann, P; Mallmann, P; Tanner, B; Pfisterer, J; Sehouli, J; Mahner, S: The influence of age on treatment and prognosis of patients with squamous cell vulvar cancer (VSCC)- a subset analysis of the AGO-CaRE-1 study