DOI : 10.1055/s-00000012


Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 53 · März 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50565

ESGE Days 2021
Going virtual. Staying real., 25.-27.03.2021

Chairman: Mario Dinis- Ribeiro (Portugal) ESGE President and ESGE Days 2021 Scientific Committee Chairman

Ykema, B; Nagtegaal, I; Kuhlmann, K; van Berkel, A; van Leerdam, M; Dutch, T; CRC Working Group: Adherence to Mismatch Repair Testing Guidelines in PT1 Colorectal Carcinomas Diagnosed Before the age of 70 Years
Corre, F; Barret, M; Lepilliez, V; Ratone, JP; Albouys, J; Rahmi, G; Karsenti, D; Canard, JM; Chabrun, E; Camus, M; Wallenhorst, T; François, M; Gérard, R; Terris, B; Rouquette, A; Coriat, R; Jacques, J; Chaussade, S: Long-Term Outcomes of Endoscopic Resection for T1 Colorectal Carcinomas
Zwager, LW; Bastiaansen, BAJ; Mostafavi, N; Hompes, R; Barresi, V; Ichimasa, K; Kawachi, H; Machado, I; Masaki, T; Sheng, W; Tanaka, S; Togashi, K; Fockens, P; Moons, LMG; Dekker, E: Deep Submucosal Invasion as Independent Risk Factor or Lymph Node Metastasis In T1 Colorectal Cancer: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Spadaccini, M; Bourke, M; Maselli, R; Pioche, M; Bhandari, P; Jacques, J; Haji, A; Yang, D; Albeniz, E; Kaminski, M; Messmann, H; Herreros de Tejada, A; Sferrazza, S; Pekarek, B; Rivory, J; Geyl, S; Gulati, S; Draganov, P; Shahidi, N; Ejaz, H; Fleishmann, C; Vespa, E; Iannone, A; Alkandari, A; Hassan, C; Repici, A: Non-Curative Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) for Colorectal Cancer: Clinical Outcomes and Predictors of Recurrence