DOI: 10.1055/b-002-91653
Schütz, Michael; Perka, Carsten; Rüedi, Thomas P: 2013

Periprosthetic Fracture Management

Print ISBN 9783131715111 · Online ISBN 9783131715210
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Editors: Schütz, Michael; Perka, Carsten; Rüedi, Thomas P

Authors: Abdel, Matthew P; Acklin, Yves Pascal; Backstein, David; Bain, Gregory; Barei, David; Barg, Alexej; Berkes, Marschall B; Berry, Daniel J; Carrothers, Andrew D; Clohisy, John C; Duncan, Clive P; Egol, Kenneth A; Fantin, Emilio; Fink, Bernd; Forman, Jordanna; de Diego, Antonio M Foruria; Shawn, Garbedian; Gautier, Emanuel; Gross, Allan; Haddad, Fares S; Hintermann, Beat; Hoffmeyer, Pierre; Jäger, Martin; Jenkinson, Richard J; Jupiter, Jesse B; Kates, Stephen L; Keogh, Angus; Kloen, Peter; Kneisl, Jeffrey S; Kreder, Hans J; Kuchinad, Raul; Lambert, Simon; Lau, Tak-wing; Lieberman, Jay R; Lorich, Dean; Lyons, Matt C; MacDonald, Steven J; Manegold, Sebastian; Mayo, Keith; Meyer, Christof; Morrey, Christopher; Nijs, Stefaan; Önder, Akin; O'Malley, Natasha; Patt, Joshua C; Pauly, Stephan; Pesantez, Rodrigo; Polkowski, Gregory G; Raschke, Michael; Ricci, William M; Rogers, Benedict A; Safir, Oleg; Sanchez-Sotelo, Joaquín; Sander, Michael; Sawaguchi, Takeshi; Schaser, Klaus-Dieter; Schipper, Inger B; Schnettler, Reinhard; Schwabe, Philipp; Shin, Alexander Y; Sieber, Cornel C; Singler, Katrin; Sommer, Christoph; Stoffel, Karl; Südkamp, Norbert P; Szalay, Gabor; Tay, Shian-Chao; Tohtz, Stephan; Vanhegan, Ivor S; Verburg, Aart D; von Roth, Philipp; Wagner, Michael; von Keudell, Arvind G; Zuurmond, Rutger G

Title: Periprosthetic Fracture Management

Print ISBN: 9783131715111; Online ISBN: 9783131715210; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-002-91653

Subjects: Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Introduction to periprosthetic fractures
Epidemiology of periprosthetic fractures
Causes of and risk factors for periprosthetic fractures
Diagnosis of periprosthetic fractures
Management techniques for periprosthetic fractures
Periprosthetic fractures in specific anatomical locations
Shoulder cases
Elbow cases
Wrist cases
Hip cases
Knee cases
Ankle cases