Endoscopy 1979; 11(3): 163-165
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1098344
Original Contributions

© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Endoscopic appearance of irradiated gastric mucosa

L. I. De Sagher1 , B. Van den Heule2 , P. Van Houtte3 , L. Engelholm4 , D. Balikdjan3 , H. Bleiberg1
  • 1Jules Bordt Institute, Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Brussels, Belgium. Department of Gastroenterology, These departments are members of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
  • 2Jules Bordt Institute, Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Brussels, Belgium. Department of Anatomopathy, These departments are members of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
  • 3Jules Bordt Institute, Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Brussels, Belgium. Department of Radiotherapy, These departments are members of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
  • 4Jules Bordt Institute, Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Brussels, Belgium. Department of Radiology, These departments are members of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
Presented at the „Société Beige d'Endoscopie Digestive – Chateau de Colonster – Sart Tilman February 25, 1978.
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
03 December 2008 (online)


Irradiation of the epigastric area for gastric cancer may induce actinic lesions of the stomach characterized on endoscopic examination by ulcerations, haemorrhagic gastritis, fragility of the mucosa, thickening and congestion of the gastric folds.


Die Bestrahlung des Epigastriums bei Fällen von Magencarcinom kann aktinische Schäden an der Magenschleimhaut hervorrufen. Sie kennzeichnen sich bei der endoskopischen Untersuchung durch Ulcerationen, hämorrhagische Gastritis, Vulnerabilität der Schleimhaut und Wulstung der Magenfalten.