Endoscopy 1975; 7(1): 1-5
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1098530
Original Contributions

© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Computer Aided Data Processing for Digestive Endoscopy with the Help of a Code-System

Computer-assistierte Datenentwicklung für die gastroenterologische Endoskopie mit Hilfe eines CodesystemsZ. Döbrönte, J. Náfrádi, V. Varró, Sz. Benedek
  • I. Dept. of Med. and Central Res. Lab., Computer Centre, Univ. Med. School, Szeged, Hungary
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
08 December 2008 (online)


The authors have elaborated the first computerized description of endoscopic findings, in the framework of a gastroenterological patient data-documentation system now under development. A code symbol system and a computer programme have been devised for the uniform documentation and computer processing of oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopic, laparoscopic and rectoscopic findings. The increased objectiveness of the examination findings raises their diagnostic potential, and with the computerized reporting of the findings a possibility arises for the computerized scientific processing of the information content stored in the endoscopic findings. A brief account is given of the advantages of the general use of a uniform nomenclature for the findings.


Die Methode einer Computer-assistierten Datenverarbeitung endoskopischer Befunde (Ösophago-Gastro-Duodenoskopie, Laparoskopie, Rektoskopie) wird vorgestellt. Durch eine umfangreiche Kodierung ist eine objektive Befunderhebung gewährleistet.