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AJP Rep 2012; 02(01): 007-014
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1296028
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1296028
Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage: A Case and Literature Review
Further Information
Publication History
18 August 2011
26 September 2011
Publication Date:
25 November 2011 (online)

Nearly all pregnancies include an insignificant hemorrhage of fetal blood into the maternal circulation. In some cases, the hemorrhage is large enough to compromise the fetus, resulting in fetal demise, stillbirth, or delivery of a severely anemic infant. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a significant fetal-maternal hemorrhage can be subtle, nonspecific, and difficult to identify at the time of the event. We present the case of a severely anemic newborn who was delivered in our facility with an extensive literature review.
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