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DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1692158
Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Resistant Depression: Systematic Review of the Literature
Estimulação cerebral profunda para o tratamento de depressão resistente: revisão sistemática da literaturaPublication History
27 November 2018
17 April 2019
Publication Date:
31 May 2019 (online)

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and it is related to high suicide rates. Furthermore, a great number of patients do not respond to any of the available treatments. Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a versatile technology with expanding indications, is considered a potential treatment for resistant depression. However, in over 10 years of clinical research, its efficacy has not been completely proven. Although new trials using DBS for treatment-resistant depression keep emerging, two of the three Level I evidence-based studies recently conducted have not provided conclusive data. Methodological limitations and major biases have compromised the obtention of clearer results. In this systematic review of the literature, we intend to critically assess the clinical trials performed in this field.
A depressão é a maior causa de incapacitação em nível mundial, e ela está relacionada com altos índices de suicídio. Ademais, um grande número de pacientes não responde a nenhum dos tratamentos disponíveis. A estimulação cerebral profunda (ECP), uma técnica versátil com indicações em expansão, é considerada um tratamento potencial para depressão refratária. Contudo, em mais de 10 anos de pesquisas clínicas, sua eficácia ainda não foi completamente comprovada. Embora novos estudos utilizando ECP para tratamento da depressão refratária venham sendo realizados, dois dos três ensaios recentemente conduzidos baseados em evidência com Nível 1 não forneceram dados conclusivos. Limitações metodológicas e vieses importantes comprometeram a obtenção de resultados mais claros. Nesta revisão sistemática da literatura, pretendemos avaliar criticamente as pesquisas clínicas executadas nesta área.
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- 66 Puigdemont D, Pérez-Egea R, Portella MJ. , et al. Deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate gyrus: further evidence in treatment-resistant major depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 2012; 15 (01) 121-133 . Doi: 10.1017/S1461145711001088
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- 70 Ramasubbu R, Anderson S, Haffenden A, Chavda S, Kiss ZH. Double-blind optimization of subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a pilot study. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2013; 38 (05) 325-332 . Doi: 10.1503/jpn.120160
- 71 Hilimire MR, Mayberg HS, Holtzheimer PE. , et al. Effects of subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation on negative self-bias in patients with treatment-resistant depression. Brain Stimul 2015; 8 (02) 185-191 . Doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2014.11.010
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- 73 Puigdemont D, Portella M, Pérez-Egea R. , et al. A randomized double-blind crossover trial of deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate gyrus in patients with treatment-resistant depression: a pilot study of relapse prevention. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2015; 40 (04) 224-231 . Doi: 10.1503/jpn.130295
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- 75 Ramasubbu R, Vecchiarelli HA, Hill MN, Kiss ZHT. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and subcallosal deep brain stimulation for refractory depression. World J Biol Psychiatry 2015; 16 (02) 135-138 . Doi: 10.3109/15622975.2014.952775
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- 78 Holtzheimer PE, Husain MM, Lisanby SH. , et al. Subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: a multisite, randomised, sham-controlled trial. Lancet Psychiatry 2017; 4 (11) 839-849 . Doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(17)30371-1
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- 88 Bergfeld IO, Mantione M, Hoogendoorn MLC. , et al. Deep brain stimulation of the ventral anterior limb of the internal capsule for treatment-resistant depression: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry 2016; 73 (05) 456-464 . Doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.0152
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- 90 Raymaekers S, Luyten L, Bervoets C, Gabriëls L, Nuttin B. Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant major depressive disorder: a comparison of two targets and long-term follow-up. Transl Psychiatry 2017; 7 (10) e1251 . Doi: 10.1038/tp.2017.66
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