CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2020; 99(S 02): S255
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1711081

The standardized case demonstration in the neuro und pediatric radiology board leads to a relevant improvement of preoperative CI diagnostics.

T Berger
1   Klinik f. HNO, Universität Leipzig Leipzig
M Fuchs
2   Klinik f. HNO, Universität Leipzig, Sektion Phoniatrie und Audiologie Leipzig
Karl-Titus Hoffmann
4   Klinik f. Radiologie, Uni Leipzig, Abteilung Neuroradiologie Leipzig
A Dietz
1   Klinik f. HNO, Universität Leipzig Leipzig
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Introduction In accordance with the recommendations of the White Paper (Weißbuch) on Cochlear Implant (CI) Care, neuroradiological diagnostics and findings are part of the preoperative diagnostics to be performed prior to planned CI surgery. A more detailed description of the extent of the neuroradiological findings is missing. Experience shows that the quality of the data sets (layer thickness, CISS sequence, etc.) as well as the diagnostic findings, especially in the outpatient sector, diverge greatly.

Methods and results As part of the successful initial certification of the Cochlea Implant Center Leipzig (CIZL) by TüV Thüringen, a standardized radiological examination was determined (CT petrosal bds. axial native with Recon, layer thickness 0.67mm as well as MRT of the skull (brain) native and after KM administration, Technique: Trio 3 T; axial T2 TIRM, T1, DWI, coronary T2, T2 Ciss 3D, after contrast medium administration T1 VIBE axial and coronary, T1-MPRAGE 3D). The images are then routinely discussed with CIZL staff in the neuro- and pediatric radiology board. Several radiological peculiarities (e.g. hypoplasia of the cochlear nerve, intravestibular swannoma, cochlear sclerosing) lead to a change in the surgical procedure.

Discussion In times of the increasing shift of diagnostic measures into the outpatient sector, a relevant improvement of the preoperative care of CI patients could be achieved by a standardization of the radiological examinations as well as an obligatory discussion of the findings in the neuro- and pediatric radiological board.

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Publication History

Article published online:
10 June 2020

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