J Am Acad Audiol 2002; 13(09): 478-492
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1716010
American Academy of Audiology. All rights reserved. (2002) American Academy of Audiology

Picture Naming by Children with Hearing Loss: II. Effect of Phonologically Related Auditory Distractors

Susan Jerger
Lydia Lai
Virginia A. Marchman
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07. August 2020 (online)

Thirty children with hearing loss (HL) and 129 typically developing (TD) children representing comparable ages, vocabulary abilities, or phonology skills named pictures while attempting to ignore auditory distractors. The picture-distractor pairs were constructed to represent phonologically congruent or conflicting onset relations, for example, the picture "duck" with distractors of /d∧/ or /p∧/, respectively. In children with good phoneme discrimination, congruent distractors speeded naming and conflicting distractors slowed naming, relative to a control condition. Effects were similar in HL and TD subgroups. In children with poorer phoneme discrimination, conflicting distractors did not influence naming in the HL subgroup, regardless of discrimination status, and consistently slowed naming only for discriminated contrasts in the TD subgroup. Phonologic representations appear suitably fine-grained in HL children with good auditory perceptual abilities but may be less well specified, more holistic, and/or less auditory-linguistically based in HL children with poorer auditory perceptual abilities. Results are discussed in terms of the heterogeneous nature of phonologic processing in children with HL.