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DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-112300
Qualitätsindikatoren für die Behandlung von Menschen mit Schizophrenie – Ergebnisse einer Anwendungsstudie
Quality Indicators for Integrated Care in Patients with Schizophrenia – Results from a Feasibility StudyPublication History
Publication Date:
12 September 2016 (online)

Ziele der Studie Die vorliegende Studie überprüfte anhand einer Kohorte (n = 85) die Anwendbarkeit eines Indikatorensets für die Integrierte Versorgung von Menschen mit Schizophrenie.
Methoden Erste Kennzahlen zu Basis- und Qualitätsindikatoren wurden anhand von Routine- und Primärdaten ermittelt.
Ergebnisse Für 4 Indikatoren liegen Zielwerte vor, die zum Teil deutlich verfehlt wurden. Die Indikatoren für antipsychotische Polypharmazie, psychotherapeutische Behandlung und Kontinuität psychiatrischer Behandlung nach Entlassung aus der Klinik zeigen eine geringe Leitlinienkonformität.
Schlussfolgerung Die Studie zeigt, dass die Erhebung von Qualitätsindikatoren möglich ist, weist aber auch auf die Grenzen hinsichtlich der Machbarkeit, Änderungssensitivität und Validierung hin.
Objective The study aimed to evaluate the applicability of a set of quality indicators to assess models of integrated care for patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. We report first values for these indicators in routine care in Germany.
Methods The study is based on a cohort of adult patients with schizophrenia insured by one large German statutory health insurance company, which were assessed two times and gave consent to evaluate their routine claims data. The study tried to use 12 basic and 22 quality indicators from claims data.
Results It was possible to estimate most structural indicators using available data, but only half of the quality indicators. This means that while assessment of quality indicators is feasible in general, routine claims data needs to be supplemented by additional (primary) data. Four of the calculated quality indicators had clear targets or red-flag values, which were not met in our cohort in all four indicators. None of the patients had an outpatient mental health related contact within one week (target > 90 %). The readmission rate within 30 days (21 %) was twice as high as the proposed red-flag value of 10 %. Similar figures were seen for antipsychotic polypharmacy (25 %, red-flag value > 10 %) and the proportion of patients with compulsory treatment (15 %) exceeded the red-flag value by 5 %.
Conclusion The study shows that it is possible to measure quality indicators, but also demonstrates considerable limitations. There is a need to validate indicators in routine care.
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