Drug Res (Stuttg) 2017; 67(06): 318-326
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-102405
Original Article
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Central and Peripheral Glucagon Reduces Hyperlipidemia in Rats and Hamsters

Vishal Patel
1   Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
3   K.B. Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Gandhinagar, India
Amit Joharapurkar
1   Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Samadhan Kshirsagar
1   Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Hiren M. Patel
1   Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Dheerendra Pandey
1   Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Dipam Patel
2   Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Kiran Shah
2   Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Rajesh Bahekar
2   Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
Gaurang B. Shah
3   K.B. Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Gandhinagar, India
Mukul R. Jain
1   Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Zydus Research Centre, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Ahmedabad, India
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received 15. September 2016

accepted 20. Januar 2017

26. April 2017 (online)



Increased lipid levels in blood contribute to increasing the risk of diabetic complications. Glucagon exerts lipid lowering effects in diabetic state. However, the mechanism behind the lipid reduction by glucagon independent of glucose homeostasis is not well understood. We assessed the actions of glucagon on lipid modulation in blood and markers in liver in hyperlipidemic hamsters and rats.


Male Sprague Dawley rats and Golden Syrian hamsters on a hyperlipidemic diet for 2 weeks were administered a single dose of glucagon by subcutaneous (SC, 150 and 300 µg/kg) or intracerebroventricular (ICV, 15 and 30 µg/animal) route. Effect of acute treatment was observed on tyloxapol-induced hypertriglyceridemia, corn oil-induced post-prandial lipemia, and bile flow. A repeated dose treatment by subcutaneous (300 µg/kg) or intracerebroventricular (30 µg/animal) route was done for 2 weeks, following which circulating and hepatic lipids, hepatic markers of lipid metabolism and bile flow were assessed.


Acute administration of glucagon (SC and ICV) decreased triglyceride absorption, hepatic triglyceride secretion rate and increased excretion of cholesterol in bile fluid in dose related manner. Repeated dose treatment reduced circulating and hepatic lipids and mainly LDL, and enhanced cholesterol excretion in bile. In liver, expression of HMG-CoA reductase was reduced while that of ABCA1 was increased after repeated treatment, whereas pair fed group did not show significant changes when compared to the control group.


These findings demonstrate that central as well as peripheral glucagon effectively reduces hyperlipidemia in rat and hamster model, by modulating hepatic lipid metabolism.

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