Horm Metab Res 2023; 55(05): 343-354
DOI: 10.1055/a-2053-2688
Original Article: Endocrine Care

Metabolic-Related Index to Predict Post-Transplantation Diabetes Mellitus After Kidney Transplantation

Ni Xiaojie
1   Department of Urology (Renal Transplantation), Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, China
Chen Bicheng
2   Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Hepato-Pancreatic Diseases of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, China
Li Yongling
2   Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Hepato-Pancreatic Diseases of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, China
Huang Tingting
2   Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Hepato-Pancreatic Diseases of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, China
Zhou Yi
2   Key Laboratory of Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Hepato-Pancreatic Diseases of Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, China
Zimiao Chen
3   Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Wenzhou Medical University First Affiliated Hospital, Wenzhou, China
› Author Affiliations


Metabolic-related markers are novel tools for assessing insulin resistance. Early identification of post-transplantation diabetes mellitus (PTDM) before hyperglycemia can be helpful to attenuate the rapid development of diabetic complications. This article aims to explore the convenient and inexpensive values of metabolic-related markers, including TyG, TyG-BMI, TG/HDL-C, and non-HDL-C/HDL-C for predicting PTDM. The data of 191 kidney transplant recipients in our center were collected retrospectively. The association between TyG, TyG-BMI, TG/HDL-C, non-HDL-C/HDL-C and the risk of PTDM was examined by the area under the curve and logistic regression analyses. During 6 months follow-up, 12.04% of KT recipients developed PTDM, and significantly higher values of TyG-BMI, TyG, and non-HDL-C/HDL-C was found in patients with PTDM than in nondiabetic patients, especially among the recipients taking tacrolimus, regardless of gender. The incidence of PTDM increased along with the values of TyG or TyG-BMI. After adjusting for multiple potential factors, recipients with the highest trisector of TyG or TyG-BMI still had a higher risk of PTDM morbidity. In conclusion, TyG, TyG-BMI, TG/HDL-C and non-HDL-C/HDL-C can be used as cost-effective and promising monitors to identify individuals at high risk of PTDM, and TyG-BMI was the best alternative marker among the four markers.

Publication History

Received: 10 September 2022

Accepted after revision: 06 March 2023

Article published online:
02 May 2023

© 2023. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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