CC BY 4.0 · Endoscopy 2025; 57(02): 187-188
DOI: 10.1055/a-2465-4681

Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of bilomas in difficult-to-puncture locations using a sheath-assisted puncture technique

1   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
Yukitoshi Matsunami
2   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
3   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
Reina Tanaka
4   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
5   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
6   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
Takao Itoi
7   Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku-ku, Japan (Ringgold ID: RIN13112)
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Biloma is a complication of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) [1]. Despite being the first-line treatment for infected bilomas, percutaneous drainage can affect daily life and pose self-extraction risks, particularly in older patients [2]. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided drainage offers a viable alternative for internal biliary drainage; however, it can be challenging for the right liver lobe because of its long distance from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [3] [4] [5]. Here, we describe successful EUS-guided drainage of an infected biloma distant from the GI tract using a sheath-assisted puncture technique ([Fig. 1], [Video 1]).

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Fig. 1 Sheath-assisted puncture technique allows the needle tip to reach deeper puncture targets by pushing the sheath of a 19G needle. The 2.6-mm sheath prevented damage to the gastric mucosa and liver parenchyma.

Sheath-assisted puncture technique allows the needle tip to reach deeper puncture targets by pushing the sheath of a 19G needle.Video 1

An 85-year-old man who developed an infected biloma in the posterior liver segment after TACE for HCC ([Fig. 2] a) opted for endoscopic transpapillary drainage because of advanced age and high risk of self-extraction. However, uncontrollable infections necessitated EUS-guided transduodenal drainage with a nasal drainage tube. Biloma recurrence in segment 7 induced an initial reintervention attempt utilizing a guidewire along the tube ([Fig. 2] b). Difficulty in passing the guidewire into the biloma cavity prompted additional EUS-guided transduodenal drainage. A convex EUS scope (GIF-UCT260; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) visualized the deeper residual biloma, which required puncturing. However, the 19G needle (EZ shot 3 plus; Olympus) did not reach the target, even at its maximum extent ([Fig. 3] a). A deep puncture was made to reach the target by pushing the sheath ([Fig. 3] b). After reconfirming the needle tip in the biloma using contrast, a 0.025-inch guidewire (VisiGlide II; Olympus) was placed, followed by insertion of a 5-Fr nasal drainage tube ([Fig. 2] c, d).

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Fig. 2 a Computed tomography (CT) revealing the biloma in segment 7 (S7) after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma. b Endoscopic ultrasound drainage of the S7 was performed, but the infection was uncontrollable (arrow). c Postoperative CT showing that the biloma had shrunk and infection was well controlled (arrow). d X-ray confirming that the nasal drainage tube was well positioned.
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Fig. 3 a A 19G needle was used to puncture the deeper infected biloma, but the needle did not reach the biloma even when it was pushed out to its maximum extent (dotted line shows the needle tip). b The needle tip reached the biloma using a sheath-assisted puncture technique.

Post-procedural computed tomography confirmed biloma shrinkage and well-controlled infection. The patient was discharged on postprocedural day 10 with no adverse events. The 19G needle has a 2.6-mm sheath, which allows safe sheath-assisted puncture without damaging the gastric mucosa and liver parenchyma.


Endoscopy E-Videos

E-Videos is an open access online section of the journal Endoscopy, reporting on interesting cases and new techniques in gastroenterological endoscopy. All papers include a high-quality video and are published with a Creative Commons CC-BY license. Endoscopy E-Videos qualify for HINARI discounts and waivers and eligibility is automatically checked during the submission process. We grant 100% waivers to articles whose corresponding authors are based in Group A countries and 50% waivers to those who are based in Group B countries as classified by Research4Life (see:

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Citation Format

Endoscopy 2024; 56: E874–E875. DOI: 10.1055/a-2418-3400


Conflict of Interest

Author T. I. received an honorarium for his lecture from Olympus and Boston Scientific. The other authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.

  • References

  • 1 Xu H, Yu X, Hu J. The risk assessment and clinical research of bile duct injury after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Manag Res 2021; 13: 5039-5052
  • 2 Takahashi K, Ohyama H, Kato N. et al. Successful endoscopic treatment of huge infected biloma and hepatic abscess after endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticogastrostomy with brain abscess. Clin J Gastroenterol 2022; 15: 988-993
  • 3 Carbajo AY, Brunie Vegas FJ, Pérez-Miranda M. et al. Retrospective cohort study comparing endoscopic ultrasound-guided and percutaneous drainage of upper abdominal abscesses. Dig Endosc 2019; 31: 431-438
  • 4 Chin YK, Asokkumar R. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of difficult-to-access liver abscesses. SAGE Open Med 2020; 8: 2050312120921273
  • 5 Tonozuka R, Itoi T, Moriyasu F. et al. EUS-guided drainage of hepatic abscess and infected biloma using short and long metal stents (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 2015; 81: 1463-1469


Takao Itoi, MD
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University
6-7-1 Nishihinjuku
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023

Publication History

Article published online:
28 January 2025

© 2024. The Author(s). This article was originally published by Thieme in Endoscopy 2024; 56: E874–E875 as an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

  • References

  • 1 Xu H, Yu X, Hu J. The risk assessment and clinical research of bile duct injury after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Manag Res 2021; 13: 5039-5052
  • 2 Takahashi K, Ohyama H, Kato N. et al. Successful endoscopic treatment of huge infected biloma and hepatic abscess after endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticogastrostomy with brain abscess. Clin J Gastroenterol 2022; 15: 988-993
  • 3 Carbajo AY, Brunie Vegas FJ, Pérez-Miranda M. et al. Retrospective cohort study comparing endoscopic ultrasound-guided and percutaneous drainage of upper abdominal abscesses. Dig Endosc 2019; 31: 431-438
  • 4 Chin YK, Asokkumar R. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage of difficult-to-access liver abscesses. SAGE Open Med 2020; 8: 2050312120921273
  • 5 Tonozuka R, Itoi T, Moriyasu F. et al. EUS-guided drainage of hepatic abscess and infected biloma using short and long metal stents (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 2015; 81: 1463-1469

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Fig. 1 Sheath-assisted puncture technique allows the needle tip to reach deeper puncture targets by pushing the sheath of a 19G needle. The 2.6-mm sheath prevented damage to the gastric mucosa and liver parenchyma.
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Fig. 2 a Computed tomography (CT) revealing the biloma in segment 7 (S7) after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma. b Endoscopic ultrasound drainage of the S7 was performed, but the infection was uncontrollable (arrow). c Postoperative CT showing that the biloma had shrunk and infection was well controlled (arrow). d X-ray confirming that the nasal drainage tube was well positioned.
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Fig. 3 a A 19G needle was used to puncture the deeper infected biloma, but the needle did not reach the biloma even when it was pushed out to its maximum extent (dotted line shows the needle tip). b The needle tip reached the biloma using a sheath-assisted puncture technique.