Neuropediatrics 2000; 31(2): 97-99
DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-7474
Short Communication

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Cerebellar Involvement as a Rare Complication of Pneumococcal Meningitis

G. Drost1 , A. Verrips2 , M. H.O. Thijssen3 , M. F.J. Gabreëls2
  • Departments of 1 Neurology, 2 Paediatric Neurology and 3 Radiology, University Hospital Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)

A 4-year old girl with meningitis, caused by streptococcus pneumoniae, developed a subcoma with respiratory insufficiency, followed by a severe cerebellar syndrome. Cerebellar involvement after regaining consciousness consisted of a symmetrical ataxia and mutism. This mutism changed into dysarthria and finally into normal speech. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed lesions in both cerebellar hemispheres, suggesting cerebellitis. She recovered with prompt antibiotic treatment.


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M. D. Gea Drost

Department of Neurology University Hospital Nijmegen P. O. Box 9101

6500 HB Nijmegen

The Netherlands