Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002; 50(1): 62-63
DOI: 10.1055/s-2002-20167
Case Report
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Redo- Extirpation of a Cardiac Leiomyosarcoma to avoid Transplantation

J.  Wippermann, J.  M.  Albers, H.  Brandes, T.  Wahlers
  • 1Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery, University Hospital Jena, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

August 14, 2001

Publication Date:
15 February 2002 (online)


Cardiac leiomyosarcoma is a very rare entity that is found in less than 0.2 % of all cardiac tumors. At the time of primary diagnosis, it often shows advanced local invasion or may even be metastasized. Thus, complete resection can not easily be achieved. Cardiac transplantation has been reported as a therapeutic option. Here, we report on a case of a leiomyosarcoma reoccurrence arising 2 years after initial surgery. We performed a radical redo-extirpation without the necessity of transplantation.


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  • 3 McAllister H A, Fenoglio J. Atlas of Pathology, Washington DC. Tumors of the cardiovascular system 1978
  • 4 Griffiths G C. A review of primary tumors of the heart.  Prog Cardovasc Dis. 1965;  7 465
  • 5 Donsbeck A V, Ranchere D, Coindre J M, Le Gall F. Primary cardiac sarcomas: an immunohistochemical and grading study with long-term follow up of 24 cases.  Histopathology. 1999;  34 (4) 295-304
  • 6 Pessoto R, Silvestre G, Luciani G B, Anselmi M, Pasini F, Santini F, Mazzucco A. Primary cardiac leiomyosarcoma: seven-year survival with combined surgical and adjuvant therapy.  Int J Cardiol. 1997;  60 (1) 91-94
  • 7 Fine G, Raju B U. Leiomyosarcoma of the heart: A twenty year cure.  Henry Ford Hosp Med J. 1985;  33 (1) 41-44
  • 8 Babatasi G, Massetti M, Agostino D. et al . Recurrent left-sided heart leiomyosarcoma: should heart transplant be legitimate?.  J Heart Lung Transplant. 1998;  17 (11) 1133-1138

Dr. Jens Wippermann

Cardiac-, Thoracic- and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Jena

Bachstraße 18

07743 Jena


Phone: +49 (3641) 93 48 01

Fax: +49 (3641) 93 34 41
