Int J Sports Med 1992; 13: S49-S51
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-1024592
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Haemostasis at High Altitude

G. Le Roux, P. Larmignat, M. Marchal, J. P. Richalet
  • ARPE, UFR Médecine, Bobigny, France
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Publication History

Publication Date:
14 March 2008 (online)


Haemostasis has been studied by several authors during exposure to altitude hypoxia.

On acute induction to hypoxia, platelet count, platelet aggregability and bleeding time are normal; an increase of thromboxane released from platelets and of prostacyclin, released from endothelial cells is observed; coagulation factors are unchanged except of F. VIII which is increased; modified antithrombin III (ATm) are normal; fibrinopeptide A is increased in subjects with pulmonary edema and fibrinolytic activity after venous occlusion is normal.

In chronic hypoxia, during a stay at 6542 m (Mt. Sajama), we found in 7 subjects an important increase in D. Dimer (p < 0.001) that seems to correspond to an activation of coagulation and a decrease of F. VIII R. Cof/F. VIII R. Ag ratio which suggests an endothelial cell damage.