Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2008; 116(5): 255-261
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-993143

© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Effect of Experimentally Induced Hypoglycemia and Different Insulin Levels on Feelings of Hunger in Type 1 Diabetic Patients

N. Hermanns 1 , M. Plate 1 , B. Kulzer 1 , B. Fischer 2 , T. Linn 2 , R. Bretzel 2 , T. Haak 1
  • 1Research institute of the Diabetes Academy Mergentheim, Germany
  • 2Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

received 12.07.2007 first decision 17.09.2007

accepted 31.10.2007

Publication Date:
19 May 2008 (online)


Introduction: This study investigates the impacts of experimentally induced hypoglycemia and different insulin infusion rates on feelings of hunger.

Methods: Blood glucose and insulin levels were manipulated by hyperinsulinemic glucose clamp technique. Participants were 16 patients with type 1 diabetes (age 36.2±11.7 yrs, diabetes duration 9.0±6.3 yrs, HbA1c 8.2±2.0%). One group (n=8) received moderate, constant insulin infusion (0.8 μU/kg/min), whereas the insulin infusion was doubled in the other group (1.6 μU/kg/min). Blood glucose was lowered stepwise from euglycemia (5.6 mmol/l) to moderate hypoglycemia (2.5 mmol/l).

Results: As expected, there was a significant effect of hypoglycemia on feelings of hunger (F (3, 42)=41.7, p<0.01). But during high insulin infusion, feelings of hunger were significantly less intense than during moderate insulin infusion (F (1, 14)=7.2, p=0.02).

Conclusion: Peripheral insulin levels seem to be associated with the intensity of feelings of hunger.


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Dr. N. Hermanns

Forschungsinstitut der Diabetes Akademie Bad Mergentheim (FIDAM)

Postfach 1144

97961 Bad Mergentheim


Email: Hermanns@diabetes-zentrum.de