DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Issue 03 · Volume 12 · March 1980 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-7275

Itzkowitch, D.; Brauman, H.; Gregoire, F.; Staroukine, M.; Abramov, M.: Assessment of a Plasma ADH Radioimmunoassay in Experimental and Physiologic or Pathologic Conditions

Short Communications

Celotti, F.; Farina, J. M. S.; Motta, M.; Martini, L.: Effect of Met-Enkephalin on Portal Insulin and Glucose in the Rat
Loubatières-Mariani, M. M.; Ribes, G.; Blayac, J. P.; Campo, P.: Insulin-Secretory Effect of a Low Dose of Adrenalin in the Dog
Lo Cascio, V.; Angelini, G.; Galyanini, G.; Bovo, P.; Ferrari, M.; Vaona, B.; Cominacini, L.; Cavallini, G.: Metergoline Inhibition of Cimetidine-Induced Hyperprolactinemia