DOI : 10.1055/s-00000089

Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound

Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 34 · September 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-003-25746

37. Dreiländertreffen DEGUM, SGUM, ÖGUM
Ultraschall 2013 | Euroson 2013
Stuttgart, 9. – 12. Oktober 2013

Kongresspräsident: Andreas Schuler, DEGUM

Sjekavica, I; Barbaric-Babic, V; Sunjara, V; Kralik, M; Senecic-Cala, I; Dujsin, M; Stern-Padovan, R: Resistance index in mural arteries of thickened bowel wall: predictive value for Crohn disease activity assessment in pediatric patients
Mentzel, HJ; Basemann, E; Dörfel, C; Hübler, A; Stenzel, M: Quantitative ultrasound of the peripheral skeleton in newborn
Begun, I; Papkevich, I; Tarasevich, R; Shimanski, A; Aleinikova, O: Ultrasound examination in neonatal diagnosis of hepatoblastoma