DOI: 10.1055/s-00029030

Journal of Pediatric Neurology

Issue 04 · Volume 11 · December 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-29864

Review Article

Yildiran, Alisan; Kaplan, Süleyman; Emin Önger, Mehmet: Neuroimmune diseases are increasing. Is there a possible vaccine link?

Berry, Jay G.; Kusminsky, Matthew; Foley, Susan M.; Hobbs, Nedda; Queally, Jennifer T.; Bauer, Stuart B.; Kaplan, William J.; Weitzman, Elissa R.: Strategic directions for transition to adulthood for patients with spina bifida
Shatla, Rania; Elsayed, Riad M.; Sayyah, Hala E.; Azzam, Hanan; Korraa, Soheir S.: Child psychopathology and oxidative stress in newly diagnosed children with epilepsy
Yeom, Jung Sook; Kim, Young-Soo; Park, Ji Sook; Seo, Ji-Hyun; Park, Eun Sil; Lim, Jae Young; Woo, Hyang-Ok; Youn, Hee-Shang; Park, Chan-Hoo; Kim, Sun Joo: Clinical utility of stool polymerase chain reaction in pediatric patients with suspected enteroviral meningitis
Gowda, Vykuntaraju K.N.; Vasanna, Smitha H.; Kumar, Pragalath; Shivananda, S.; Lakskman, Ramesh R.; Govindraj, M.; Ramaswamy, Premalatha: Study of etiological profile of infantile and childhood focal seizures at a tertiary care centre in South India

Case Report

Pinto, Sara; Crispim, João; Barroso, Cândida; Levy, António; Quintas, Sofia: Small vessel primary angiitis of the central nervous system: Rapidly progressing disease in a child
Gowda, Vykuntaraju Raju K.N.; Vignesh, Sukhanya; Shivananda, S.; Ramaswamy, Premalatha; Gowda, Sarala H.S.: Alternating hemiplegia of childhood during acute episode of gastroenteritis