DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 75 · 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40602

Review Article

Rapid Communication

Lubec, Barbara; Arbeiter, Klaus; Hoeger, Harald; Lubec, Gert: Increased Cyclin Dependent Kinase in Aortic Tissue of Rats Fed Homocysteine

Original Article

Schwartz, Marianne; Békássy, Albert; Donnér, Mikael; Hertel, Thomas; Hreidarson, Stefan; Kerndrup, Gitte; Stormorken, Helge; Stokland, Tore; Tranebjcerg, Lisbeth; Ørstavik, Karen Helene; Skovby, Flemming: Mutation Spectrum in Patients with Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome and X-linked Thrombocytopenia: Identification of Twelve Different Mutations in the WASP Gene
Ginsberg, Jeffrey S; Siragusa, Sergio; Douketis, James; Johnston, Marilyn; Moffat, Karen; Donovan, Dianne; McGinnis, Joanne; Brill-Edwards, Patrick; Panju, Akbar; Patel, Ameen; Weitz, Jeffrey I: Evaluation of a Soluble Fibrin Assay in Patients with Suspected Pulmonary Embolism
Sorice, M; Arcieri, P; Griggi, T; Circella, A; Misasi, R; Lenti, L; Di Nucci, G D; Mariani, G: Inhibition of Protein S by Autoantibodies in Patients with Acquired Protein S Deficiency
Sun, Jianxin; Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Yuda, Masao; Miura, Ken; Takeya, Hiroyuki; Hirai, Makoto; Matsuoka, Hiroyuki; Ando, Katsuhiko; Watanabe, Takashi; Suzuki, Koji; Chinzei, Yasuo: Purification, Characterization and cDNA Cloning of a Novel Anticoagulant of the Intrinsic Pathway, (Prolixin-S), from Salivary Glands of the Blood Sucking Bug, Rhodnius prolixus
Taylor, F B; He, S E; Chang, A C K; Box, J; Ferrell, G; Lee, D; Lockhart, M; Peer, G; Esmon, C T: Infusion of Phospholipid Vesicles Amplifies the Local Thrombotic Response to TNF and Anti-Protein C into a Consumptive Response
Holst, Jan; Lindblad, Bengt; Matthíasson, Stefan E; Stjernquist, Ulf; Ezban, Mirella; Østergaard, Per B; Hedner, Ulla: Experimental Haemorrhagic Effect of Two-Domain Non-Glycosylated Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Compared to Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Shi, Rui-Jin; Simpson-Haidaris, Patricia J; Marder, Victor J; Silverman, David J; Sporn, Lee Ann: Increased Expression of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in R.rickettssi-infected Endothelial Cells
Schulman, S; Wiman, B; the Duration of Anticoagulation (DURAC) Trial Study Group: The Significance of Hypofibrinolysis for the Risk of Recurrence of Venous Thromboembolism
Lominadze, David G; Saari, Jack T; Miller, Frederick N; Catalfamo, James L; Justus, David E; Schuschke, Dale A: Platelet Aggregation and Adhesion during Dietary Copper Deficiency in Rats
Nofer, Jerzy-Roch; Tepel, Martin; Kehrel, Beate; Walter, Michael; Seedorf, Udo; Assmann, Gerd; Zidek, Walter: High Density Lipoproteins Enhance the Na+/H+ Antiport in Human Platelets
Hou, Ming; Stockelberg, Dick; Kutti, Jack; Wadenvik, Hans: Naturally Occurring IgG Autoantibodies to Platelet Cytoskeleton Tropomyosin
Mazzucato, Mario; De Marco, Luigi; Pradella, Paola; Masotti, Adriana; Pareti, Francesco I: Porcine von Willebrand Factor Binding to Human Platelet GPIb Induces Transmembrane Calcium Influx
Wu, Zhanhe; Markovic, Boban; Chesterman, Colin N; Chong, Beng H: Characterization of Fcγ Receptors on Human Megakaryocytes
Carr, Marcus E; Carr, Sheryl L; Greilich, Philip E: Heparin Ablates Force Development during Platelet Mediated Clot Retraction
Kaku, Seiji; Kawasaki, Tomihisa; Hisamichi, Nami; Sakai, Yumiko; Taniuchi, Yuta; Inagaki, Osamu; Yano, Shinya; Suzuki, Ken-ichi; Terazaki, Chinami; Masuho, Yasuhiko; Satoh, Noboru; Takenaka, Toichi; Yanagi, Kennichi; Ohshima, Norio: Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Effects of YM337, the Fab Fragment of a Humanized Anti-GPIIb/IIIa Monoclonal Antibody in Monkeys

Letter to the Editor

Mannucci, P M; Duca, F; Peyvandi, F; Tagliabue, L; Merati, G; Martinelli, I; Cattaneo, M: Frequency of Factor V Arg506 Gin in Italians
Halbmayer, Walter-Michael; Haushofer, Alexander; Angerer, Veronika; Fischer, Michael: The Discrimination of Factor XII Deficiency and Lupus Anticoagulant