DOI : 10.1055/s-00000059


Issue S 01 · Volume 74 · March 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-46041

61. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V.
Leipzig, 25.–28.03.2020

Kongresspräsident: Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Rohde

Kreuter, M; Bonella, F; Blank, N; Siegert, E; Henes, J; Worm, M; Sunderkoetter, C; Schmalzing, M; Kreuter, A; Guenther, C; Susok, L; Zeidler, G; Koetter, I; Mueller-Ladner, U; Krieg, T; Juche, A; Schmeiser, T; Riemekasten, G; Aberer, E; Gaebelein-Wissing, N; Distler, JHW; Sárdy, M; Pfeiffer, C; Kuhr, K; Lorenz, HM; Moinzadeh, P; Hunzelmann, N: Does anti-acid treatment influence disease progression in SSc-ILD? Data form the German SSc-network
Kreuter, M; Bonella, F; Blank, N; Siegert, E; Henes, J; Worm, M; Sunderkoetter, C; Schmalzing, M; Kreuter, A; Guenther, C; Susok, L; Zeidler, G; Koetter, I; Mueller-Ladner, U; Krieg, T; Juche, A; Schmeiser, T; Riemekasten, G; Aberer, E; Gaebelein-Wissing, N; Distler, JHW; Sárdy, M; Pfeiffer, C; Kuhr, K; Lorenz, HM; Moinzadeh, P; Hunzelmann, N: Long term outcomes of immunmodulatory drugs in SSc-ILD – data rom the German SSc network
Kreuter, M; Highland, KB; Kuwana, M; Azuma, A; Maher, T; Mayes, MD; Raghu, G; Girard, M; Kohlbrenner, V; Clerisme-Beaty, E; Alves, M; Distler, O: Dose adjustments in the SENSCIS Trial of nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated ILD (SSc-ILD)*
Kreuter, M; Highland, KB; Azuma, A; Kuwana, M; Maher, TM; Mayes, MD; Raghu, G; Girard, M; Alves, M; Gahlemann, M; Distler, O: Changes in FVC in the SENSCIS Trial of nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated ILD (SSc-ILD)*
Prasse, A; Maher, TM; Distler, O; Azuma, A; Highland, KB; Kuwana, M; Mayes, MD; Wachtlin, D; Alves, M; Gahlemann, M; Stowasser, S; Raghu, G: Effects of nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated ILD (SSc-ILD) and differing FVC at baseline: the SENSCIS Trial*
Prasse, A; Distler, O; Highland, KB; Gahlemann, M; Azuma, A; Mayes, MD; Raghu, G; Sauter, W; Girard, M; Alves, M; Clerisme-Beaty, E; Kuwana, M; Maher, TM: Nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD): the SENSCIS trial*
Wiewrodt, R; Raghu, G; Distler, O; Azuma, A; Highland, KB; Kuwana, M; Mayes, MD; Wachtlin, D; Stowasser, S; Alves, M; Gahlemann, M; Maher, TM: Effects of nintedanib in patients with systemic sclerosis-associated ILD (SSc-ILD) and differing extents of lung fibrosis: the SENSCIS trial*
Wiewrodt, R; Vonk, M; Distler, O; Furst, D; Hachulla, E; Johnson, S; Assassi, S; Meng, L; Quaresma, M; Alves, M; Clerisme-Beaty, E; Wuyts, WA: Efficacy and Safety of Nintedanib in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease: Subgroup Analysis of the SENSCIS Trial by Corticosteroid Use*
Bonella, F; Matteson, E; Kelly, C; Distler, JHW; Hoffmann-Vold, A; Seibold, JR; Mittoo, S; Distler, O; Goeldner, RG; Schlenker-Herceg, R; Stowasser, S; Quaresma, M; Flaherty, KR: The INBUILD Trial of Nintedanib in Patients with Progressive Fibrosing Instititial Lung Diseases: Subgroup with Autoimmune Diseases*
Kuczkowski, A; Oermann, M; Zeglam, S; Scheel, A; Buhr, M; Schlesinger, A: Rheuma im pneumologischen Gewand – eine retrospektive Analyse von 212 ILD-Verdachtsfällen
Rosenkranz, S; Channick, R; Chin, K; Jenner, B; Gaine, S; Galie, N; Ghofrani, HA; Hoeper, MM; McLaughlin, V; Preiss, R; Rubin, L; Simonneau, G; Sitbon, O; Tapson, V; Lang, I: Efficacy and safety of selexipag in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients with and without significant cardiovascular (CV) comorbidities
Gaine, S; Sitbon, O; Channick, R; Chin, K; Di Scala, L; Galie, N; Hoeper, MM; McLaughlin, V; Preiss, R; Rubin, L; Simonneau, G; Tapson, V; Ghofrani, HA; Lang, I: The impact of time from diagnosis at baseline on long-term outcome in the GRIPHON Study: Selexipag in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)