DOI : 10.1055/s-00034924

Nuklearmedizin - NuclearMedicine

Issue 02 · Volume 59 · April 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-46300

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin e.V.
NuklearMedizin 2020
Leipzig, 06.-09.07.2020

58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin

Kongresspräsident: Professor Dr. Markus Essler

Schmitz-Steinkrüger, H; Lange, C; Apostolova, I; Amthauer, H; Lehnert, W; Klutmann, S; Buchert, R: Impact of the size of the normal database on the performance of semi-quantitative analysis in dopamine transporter SPECT
Apostolova, I; Schmitz-Steinkrüger, H; Lange, C; Frings, L; Klutmann, S; Hellwig, S; Meyer, PT; Buchert, R: Impact of age correction on the diagnostic performance of the specific binding ratio in dopamine transporter SPECT
Yousefzadeh-Nowshahr, E; Winter, G; Bohn, K; Kneer, K; von Arnim, C; Otto, M; Solbach, C; Anderl-Straub, S; Polivka, D; Fissler, P; Prasad, V; Kletting, P; Riepe, M; Higuchi, M; Ludolph, A; Beer, AJ; Glatting, G: Regional tau deposition in probable Alzheimer’s disease using C-11-PBB3-PET: a voxel-wise statistical analysis
Kroll, T; Klingebiel, M; Grözinger, M; Matusch, M; Novakovic, A; Elmenhorst, D; Neumaier, B; Drzezga, A; Bauer, A: Impact of electroconvulsive therapy on the adenosine A1 receptor in the human brain: A PET study in depressive patients
Mathies, F; Lange, C; Apostolova, I; Frings, L; Klutmann, S; Meyer, PT; Buchert, R: Support of visual interpretation of amyloid-ß PET by co-registration to the early uptake image
Beyer, L; Huber, M; Rauchmann, BS; Morbelli, S; Bruffaerts, R; Vandenberghe, R; Nicastro, N; Lemstra, AW; Garcia-Ptacek, S; Ochoa Figueroa, MA; Vöglein, J; Perneczky, R; Bartenstein, P; Ewers, M; Danek, A; Levin, J; Aarsland, D; Nobili, FM; Rominger, A; Brendel, M: Value of FDG-PET as a Supporting Biomarker for Dementia with Lewy Bodies at Stages of Early Dopaminergic Loss
Thurow, J; Speck, I; Blazhenets, G; Wesarg, T; Aschendorff, A; Sörensen, A; Mix, M; Frings, L; Arndt, S; Meyer, PT: PET-Studie zu mon- und binauralem Sprachverstehen bei Cochlea-Implantat-Trägern: Validierung der Methode
Rullmann, M; Tiepolt, S; Messerschmidt, K; Gerhards, T; Schürer, M; Hesse, S; Saur, D; Weise, C; Schroeter, ML; Claßen, J; Sabri, O; Barthel, H: Auf den ersten Blick – Verbessert die überlagerte Darstellung der Grenze graue zu weiße Substanz oder die Partialvolumeneffektkorrektur die visuelle Diagnose von F-18 Florbetaben PET Bildern?