DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 121 · Februar 2021 DOI: 10.1055/s-011-50254

Invited Editorial Focus

Invited T&H Insights

Review Article

Polzin, Amin; Dannenberg, Lisa; Thienel, Manuela; Orban, Martin; Wolff, Georg; Hohlfeld, Thomas; Zeus, Tobias; Kelm, Malte; Petzold, Tobias: Noncanonical Effects of Oral Thrombin and Factor Xa Inhibitors in Platelet Activation and Arterial Thrombosis

Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Sokou, Rozeta; Piovani, Daniele; Konstantinidi, Aikaterini; Tsantes, Andreas G.; Parastatidou, Stavroula; Lampridou, Maria; Ioakeimidis, Georgios; Gounaris, Antonis; Iacovidou, Nicoletta; Kriebardis, Anastasios G.; Politou, Marianna; Kopterides, Petros; Bonovas, Stefanos; Tsantes, Argirios E.: A Risk Score for Predicting the Incidence of Hemorrhage in Critically Ill Neonates: Development and Validation Study
Boriani, Giuseppe; Ruff, Christian T.; Kuder, Julia F.; Shi, Minggao; Lanz, Hans J.; Antman, Elliott M.; Braunwald, Eugene; Giugliano, Robert P.: Edoxaban versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation at the Extremes of Body Weight: An Analysis from the ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 Trial
Bertaggia Calderara, Debora; Zermatten, Maxime G.; Aliotta, Alessandro; Batista Mesquita Sauvage, Ana P.; Carle, Vanessa; Heinis, Christian; Alberio, Lorenzo: Tissue Factor-Independent Coagulation Correlates with Clinical Phenotype in Factor XI Deficiency and Replacement Therapy
Shimonishi, Naruto; Ogiwara, Kenichi; Oda, Yukio; Kawabe, Toshiki; Okazaki, Shinji; Shima, Midori; Nogami, Keiji: A Novel Assessment of Factor VIII Activity by Template Matching Utilizing Weighted Average Parameters from Comprehensive Clot Waveform Analysis
van Paridon, Pauline C. S.; Panova-Noeva, Marina; van Oerle, Rene; Schulz, Andreas; Prochaska, Jürgen H.; Arnold, Natalie; Schmidtmann, Irene; Beutel, Manfred; Pfeiffer, Norbert; Münzel, Thomas; Lackner, Karl J.; Hackeng, Tilman M.; ten Cate, Hugo; Wild, Philipp S.; Spronk, Henri M. H.: Relation between Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Activity and Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases in a Large Population Sample
Orlando, Christelle; de la Morena-Barrio, Belén; Pareyn, Inge; Vanhoorelbeke, Karen; Martínez-Martínez, Irene; Vicente, Vicente; Corral, Javier; Jochmans, Kristin; de la Morena-Barrio, Maria Eugenia: Antithrombin p.Thr147Ala: The First Founder Mutation in People of African Origin Responsible for Inherited Antithrombin Deficiency

Cellular Haemostasis and Platelets

Huang, Jiansong; Huang, Shujuan; Ma, Zhixin; Lin, Xiangjie; Li, Xia; Huang, Xin; Wang, Jinghan; Ye, Wenle; Li, Yang; He, Daqiang; Yang, Min; Pan, Jiajia; Ling, Qing; Li, Fenglin; Mao, Shihui; Wang, Huafeng; Wang, Yungui; Jin, Jie: Ibrutinib Suppresses Early Megakaryopoiesis but Enhances Proplatelet Formation

Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism

Picker, Nils; Lee, Agnes Y.; Cohen, Alexander T.; Maraveyas, Anthony; Beyer-Westendorf, Jan; Mantovani, Lorenzo G.; Abdelgawwad, Khaled; Fatoba, Samuel; Thate-Waschke, Inga-Marion; Bach, Miriam; Wilke, Thomas: Anticoagulation Treatment in Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolism: Assessment of Patient Preferences Using a Discrete Choice Experiment (COSIMO Study)
Kuczmik, Wiktoria; Wysokinski, Waldemar E.; Hesley, Gina K.; Vlazny, Danielle T.; Houghton, Damon E.; Swanson, Keith E.; Casanegra, Ana I.; Hodge, David; White, Launia; McBane, Robert D.: Calf Vein Thrombosis Comparison of Outcomes for Axial and Muscular Venous Thrombosis
Martin, Anne Céline; Thomas, William; Mahir, Zahra; Crowley, Maeve P.; Dowling, Terry; Breen, Karen; Collings, Victoria; Moore, Gary W.; MacDonald, Stephen; Hunt, Beverley J.; Cohen, Alexander T.: Direct Oral Anticoagulant Concentrations in Obese and High Body Weight Patients: A Cohort Study

Atherosclerosis and Ischaemic Disease

Yamashita, Atsushi; Nishihira, Kensaku; Gi, Toshihiro; Maekawa, Kazunari; Hatakeyama, Kinta; Horiuchi, Saki; Wada, Kei; Shibata, Yoshisato; Asada, Yujiro: Pathological Features of Ruptured Coronary Plaque and Thrombus Interfaces: Fibrin and von Willebrand Factor as Platelet Scaffolds on Rupture Sites

Letter to the Editor

Bhoelan, B. Soerajja; Mulder, René; Lukens, Michaël V.; Meijer, Karina: Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Antithrombin Deficiency: Initial Experience in a Single Center
Jourdi, Georges; Lobies, Sophie; Kosmider, Olivier; Duchemin, Jérôme; Audureau, Etienne; Conard, Jacqueline; Mazoyer, Elisabeth; Horellou, Marie-Hélène; Gouin-Thibault, Isabelle; Flaujac, Claire; Fontenay, Michaëla: Coagulation Characterization of Prothrombin 20209C > T Variant: About 27 New Cases