Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2021; 146(24/25): 1645-1649
DOI: 10.1055/a-1560-7443

Zur Nachbarschaft von Medizin und Theologie

The life-enhancing nexus between medicine and theology
Gregor Etzelmüller

Gute Nachbarn unterstützen sich gegenseitig. Dieses Verständnis und das Verbindende zwischen Medizin und Theologie, die in ihrer Gesamtheit der Heilung dienen, lebte der Arzt und Professor für Neurologie Dieter Janz mit Überzeugung an seiner Abteilung am Klinikum Charlottenburg. Anlässlich seines 5. Todestages am 1. Weihnachtstag 2021 beleuchtet der Theologe Gregor Etzelmüller, was Medizin und Theologie voneinander lernen können.


Because physical and psychological processes cannot be separated, there is a nexus between medicine and theology. In the early church, theologians were widely medically educated; the author of the third gospel was considered as a physician. In the modern age, against the background of the differentiation between medicine and religion, which must be affirmed, one can search for life-promoting forms of their coupling. Pastoral care can learn from medicine to take the embodiment of the human being seriously – and medicine can let theology open up perspectives of hope for itself. Medicine and theology unite the interest in life-promoting transfigurations in the body.

Publication History

Article published online:
08 December 2021

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