Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1957; 82(44): 1866-1870
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1117007
© Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Einscheidungen der Netzhautvenen bei Multipler Sklerose

Sheathing of retinal veins in disseminated sclerosisWilhelm Doden
  • Augenklinik der Universität Freiburg i. Br. (Direktor: Prof. Dr. W. Wegner)
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
05 May 2009 (online)


Den bekannten Augensymptomen der Multiplen Sklerose (Papillitis, retrobulbäre Neuritis N. Optici, Augenmuskellähmungen und Nystagmus) sind, als weiteres okuläres Zeichen, Einscheidungen der Netzhautvenen hinzuzufügen. Von 130 Kranken mit Multipler Sklerose wiesen 30 (= 23%) Netzhautvenen-Einscheidungen auf. Der differentialdiagnostische Wert der Veränderungen wird besprochen und die Bedeutung der retinalen Gefäßprozesse für die Erforschung der Pathogenese der Multiplen Sklerose diskutiert.


Attention is called to the previously described sheathing of the retinal veins in a significant proportion of cases of disseminated sclerosis. It is, therefore, a useful diagnostic sign in addition to the better known ones of papillitis, retrobulbar neuritis, eye muscle paralysis and nystagmus. Sheathing was seen in 30 of 130 patients with disseminated sclerosis. — The importance of this sign in differential diagnosis is illustrated and its significance in the aetiology of the disease discussed. Inflammatory vascular disease, involving especially the veins, within the areas of demyelinization has long been known as a pathological feature of the disease. The observed sheathing of the retinal veins in a significant percentage of patients with disseminated sclerosis argues against the vascular changes within the demyelinized foci being secondary effects. Rather, they make the existence of primary, probably inflammatory, vascular changes more likely.


Alteraciones de las venas retinianas en la esclerosis en placas

A los conocidos síntomas oculares de la esclerosis en placas (papilitis, neuritis retrobulbar del óptico, parálisis de los músculos oculares y nistagmus) hay que añadir, como un signo ocular más, las alteraciones de las venas retinianas. De 130 enfermos de esclerosis en placas, 30 (es decir, el 23%) presentaban alteraciones de las venas retinianas. Se insiste sobre el valor diagnóstico-diferencial de las mismas y se discute la importancia de los procesos vasculares retinianos en la investigación de la patogenia de la esclerosis en placas.