Int J Sports Med 2011; 32(7): 542-545
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1273711
Rapid Communication

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

The Effect of a Cold Environment on Physical Activity Profiles in Elite Soccer Match-Play

C. Carling1 , 2 , G. Dupont3 , F. Le Gall1
  • 1LOSC Lille Métropole Football Club, Domain de Luchin, Camphin-en-Pévèle, France
  • 2Institute of Coaching and Performance, University of Central Lancashire, UK
  • 3Université Lille Nord de France, EA 4488, Liévin, France
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision February 3, 2011

Publication Date:
11 May 2011 (online)


In this study, the effect of cold temperature on the physical activity profiles of professional soccer players in official match-play was investigated. Computerised motion-analysis was used to analyse performance in 9 players (4 defenders and 5 midfielders) in 4 temperature ranges: ≤5°C (29 matches), 6–10°C (62 matches), 11–20°C (48 matches) and ≥21°C (27 matches). Performance was analysed per minute for total distance covered and distance run in 3 categories: 0.0–14.3 km/h (walking/low/moderate); 14.4–19.7 km/h (running); ≥19.8 km/h (high-intensity). Results showed that while total distance run per minute was unaffected in colder conditions, midfielders ran significantly shorter distances in warmer temperatures: ≥21°C=118.7±6.9 m vs. ≤5°C=124.2±7.1 m, p<0.01; 6–10°C=123.6±6.8 m, p<0.01; and, 11–20°C=123.4±5.4, p<0.05). The total distance covered at 3 intensities and across halves was unaffected by temperature. Similarly, high-intensity efforts across match halves and in the first and final 5-min periods in each half of normal time were unaffected by temperature. In contrast, high-intensity efforts in midfielders across 15-min intervals were affected by temperature with greater distances covered per minute in the 30–45 min period in matches played in temperatures ≤5°C vs. the corresponding period in those played in temperatures ≥21°C (9.1±3.8 m vs. 6.2±3.0 m, p<0.05). The present findings generally suggest that physical performance in professional soccer does not decrease in cold temperatures.


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Christopher Carling

LOSC Lille Métropole

Football Club

Domain de Luchin

59780 Camphin-en-Pévèle


Phone: +33/6/0392 1861

Fax: +33/1/4891 0793
