Methods Inf Med 1980; 19(03): 125-132
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1636657
Original Article
Schattauer GmbH

MARS — Its Tenth Anniversary of Operation and its Future[*)]

G. S. Lodwick
1   (From the Department of Radiology, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA)
C. R. Wickizer
1   (From the Department of Radiology, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA)
R. E. Dickhaus
1   (From the Department of Radiology, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA)
› Author Affiliations
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Publication History

Publication Date:
20 February 2018 (online)

The Missouri Automated Radiology System recently passed its tenth year of clinical operation at the University of Missouri. This article presents the views of a radiologist who has been instrumental in the conceptual development and administrative support of MARS for most of this period, an economist who evaluated MARS from 1972 to 1974 as part of her doctoral dissertation, and a computer scientist who has worked for two years in the development of a Standard MUMPS version of MARS. The first section provides a historical perspective. The second deals with economic considerations of the present MARS system, and suggests those improvements which offer the greatest economic benefits. The final section discusses the new approaches employed in the latest version of MARS, as well as areas for further application in the overall radiology and hospital environment. A complete bibliography on MARS is provided for further reading.

Das Missouri Automated Radiology System (MARS) wird seit zehn Jahren an der Universität von Missouri klinisch angewandt. In diesem Artikel werden die Ansichten eines Radiologen dargelegt, der an der Entwicklung und administrativen Unterstützung von MARS während des größten Teils dieser Zeit maßgeblich beteiligt war, einer Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin, die von 1972 bis 1974 MARS als Teil ihrer Doktorarbeit ausgewertet hat, und eines Computerwissenschaftlers, der zwei Jahre lang an der Entwicklung einer Standard MUMPS-Version von MARS gearbeitet hat. Der erste Teil bringt eine historische Perspektive, der zweite befaßt sich mit ökonomischen Überlegungen betreffend das heutige MARS-System und schlägt Verbesserungen vor, die am besten die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Systems gewährleisten. Der letzte Teil beschäftigt sich mit den neuen Methoden, die in der letzten Fassung von MARS zur Anwendung kommen, und auch mit weiteren Anwendungsgebieten in der Radiologie und im klinischen Bereich. Den Lesern wird eine vollständige Bibliographie über MARS geboten.

*) Supported totally or in part by the following research grants: Computer Analysis of Tumor Roentgenograms, CA 06263, National Cancer Institute, NIH; System Model for an Operating Radiology Department, HM-00477, Bureau of State Services, United States Public Health Service; Missouri Regional Medical Programs, 00009-01-0, MSR, United States Public Health Service; Missouri Automated Radiology System (MARS), HS 0646, United States Public Health Service; Diagnostic Content and Redundancy in Radiant Images, GM 17729, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH.

  • References

  • 1 Covert R. P, Lodwick G. S, Wilkinson E. W. Simulation Modeling of a Diagno3tic Radiology Department. Proceed. Conf. Use of Computers in Radiology, October. Published by Department of Radiology, University of Missouri, Columbia/Mo; 1966: C-2-C-36.
  • 2 Dickhaus E. A. Economic Evaluation of Missouri Automated Radiology System, MARS — A Case Study. Ph. D. Dissertation. University of Missouri, Columbia/Mo., May. 1974
  • 3 Fairman W. L, Dickhaus E. A. Technology Evaluation: A Case Study of MARS. Med. Care 1977; 15: 79-92.
  • 4 Hall D. L, Dwyer III S. J, Harlow C. A, Lodwick G. S. A Review of Computers in Diagnostic Radiology. Crit. Rev. radiol. Sci 1971; 2: 467-524.
  • 5 Lehr J. L, Lodwick G. S, Gabhotto L. J, Manson D. J, Nicholson B. F. MARS — Missouri Automated Radiology System. Proceed. Spring Joint Computer Conference, May. 1972
  • 6 Lehr J. L, Lodwick G. S, Manson D. J, Hakimi B. R. Department Based Radiology Computer System : The Standalone MARS Program. Proceed. Third Conf. Computer Applications in Radiology. University of Missouri-Columbia, September. 1972
  • 7 Lehr J. L, Lodwick G. S, Nicholson G. F, Birznieks F. B. Experience with MARS (Missouri Automated Radiology System). Radiology 1973; 106: 289-294.
  • 8 Lodwick G. S, Haun C. L, Smith W. E, Keller R. F, Robertson E. Computer Diagnosis of Prirr ary Bone Tumors. Radiology SO. 1963: 273-275.
  • 9 Lodwick G. S. Status of Research in Diagnostic Radiology. Beport by Radiology Training Committee of NIGMS of NIH. Section G — Automation and Computer Applications in Diagnostic Badiology. 1967: 95-99.
  • 10 Lodwick G. S. Recommendations for Obtaining the Maximum Benefit of Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic Radiology through Improved Production and Utilization of Image Information. Report to the National Center of Radiological Health on a Study of X-Ray Image Analysis and Systems Development, July. 1968
  • 11 Lodwick G. S. The Computer: A Solution to a Dilemma of Radiologic Health Care. Proceed. 4th World Congress of ISRRJ, October. 1969
  • 12 Lodwick G. S. Use of a Simulator in Development of an Automated Scheduling System. Proceed. Conf. Computer Applications in Radiology, September. University of Missouri-Columbia; 23-26. 1970
  • 13 Lodwick G. S. Computer Simulation and Information Systems in Radiologic Departmental Operations. EDV Med. Biol 1971; 2: 56-61.
  • 14 Lodwick G. S. Information Management in Radiology. In Collen M. F.. (Edit.) Hospital Computer Systems. New York: J. Wiley; 1974: 206-240.
  • 15 Lodwick G. S. The Application of Computers in Diagnostic Radiology. In Current Problems in Radiology. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc.; 1975
  • 16 Lodwick G. S, Covert R. P. A Generalized Simulation Model for a Diagnostic Radiology Department. Digest of the 7th International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering. Stockholm, Sweden: 1967
  • 17 Lodwick G. S, Reichertz P. L, Paquet E, Hall D. L. ODARS — A Computeraided System for Diagnosing and Reporting. Part I. Clinical Problems. In de Haene R, Wambersie A. (Eds.) Computers in Radiology. Basel: Karger; 1970: 279-282.
  • 18 Lodwick G. S, Tully R. J, Markivee C. R, Hakimi B. R, Dittrich F. J. Missouri Automated Radiology System: A Dynamic Interactive Diagnostic and Management System for Radiant Images. J. med. Syst. 1977: 1
  • 19 Manson D. J, Lehr J. L, Lodwick G. S. MARS — Missouri Automated Radiology Systems, Computer Graphics in an Automated Department. AFIPS Conf. Proceed.. 1972
  • 20 Paquet E, Reichertz P. L, Lodwick G. S. ODARS — A Computeraided System for Diagnosing and Reporting. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Radiologists, March. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: 1969
  • 21 Beichertz P. L, Lodwick G. S, Paquet E, Hall D. L. ODARS — A Computeraided System for Diagnosing and Reporting. Part II. Technical Problems. In de Haene B, Wambersie A. (Eds.) Computers in Radiology. Basel: Karger; 1970: 283-288.
  • 22 Reichertz P. L, Lodwick G. S, Templeton A. W, Lehr J. L, Paquet E, Birznieks F. Design and Implementation of ODARS — An On-line Diagnostic and Reporting System. 12th International Congress of Radiology: The Bole of Computers in Diagnosis, Tokyo, October. 1969
  • 23 Templeton A. W, Lodwick G. S, Turner Jr. A. H. RADIATE: A New Concept for Computer Coding, Transmitting, Storing and Retrieving Radiological Data. Radiology 1965; 85: 811-817.
  • 24 Templeton A. W, Lodwick G. S, Sides S, Lehr J. L. RADIATE: A Radiology and Hospital Computer Oriented Communicating System. Proceed. Conf. Use of Computers in Radiology, October. Published by Department of Radiology, University of Missouri, Columbia/ Mo; 1966: D-44-D-50.
  • 25 Templeton A. W, Lodwick G. S, Sides S. D, Lehr J. L. RADIATE : A Project for the Synthesis, Storage and Retrieval of Radiologic Consultation. Digest of the 7th International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering. Stockholm, Sweden: 1967
  • 26 Templeton A. W, Beichertz P. L, Paquet E, Lehr J. L, Lodwick G. S, Scott F. I. RADIATE : Updated and Redesigned for Multiple Cathode-Ray Tube Terminals. Radiology 1969; 92: 30-36.