Neuropediatrics 2001; 32(5): 267-270
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-19122
Short Communication

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Congenital Nemaline Myopathy due to ACTA1-Gene Mutation and Carnitine Insufficiency: A Case Report

H. Buxmann1 , R. Schlösser1 , W. Schlote2 , A. Sewell1 , K. J. Nowak3 , N. G. Laing3 , V. v. Loewenich1
  • 1 Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • 2 Department of Neuropathology, University Hospital Frankfurt/Main, Germany
  • 3 Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders, University of Western Australia, Australian Neuromuscular Research Institute, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Australia
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
18 December 2001 (online)


A premature boy with a congenital form of nemaline myopathy due to mutation in the ACTA1-gene showed decreased carnitine levels in the eighth week of life. After sufficient oral carnitine substitution he improved gradually. In the first 15 months of life he made good progress; he reached full head control, learned to sit unsupported and was able to raise objects. At that time the carnitine levels were normal without substitution. Nemaline myopathy is clinically and genetically heterogenous. The pathogenesis of the muscle weakness is poorly understood. Disturbances of carnitine metabolism in this group of patients as one possibility are conceivable. Further investigations of carnitine metabolism in patients with nemaline myopathy may shed light on the pathogenesis of this entity.


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Prof. Dr. med. Volker von Loewenich

Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde und Jugendmedizin, Abteilung für Neonatologie

Theodor Stern Kai 7

60590 Frankfurt am Main

