Z Gastroenterol 2007; 45(4): 313-316
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-927227

© Karl Demeter Verlag im Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Surgery in Fasciola hepatica Pancreatitis: Report of a Case and Review of Literature

Chirurgie bei Fasciola hepatica-PankreatitisC. K. Parsak1 , I. S. Koltas2 , G. Sakman1 , E. U. Erkocak1 , M. Inal3
  • 1Cukurova University, Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery, Adana, Turkey
  • 2Cukurova University, Medical Faculty, Department of Parasitology, Adana, Turkey
  • 3Cukurova University, Medical Faculty, Department of Radiodiagnostics, Adana, Turkey
Further Information

Publication History

manuscript received: 4.7.2006

manuscript accepted: 13.9.2006

Publication Date:
11 April 2007 (online)


Fasziola hepatica ist ein Trematode mit geringer Humanpathogenität. In symptomatischen Fällen werden Leberparenchymschäden, akute Cholezystits und Gallengangsobstruktionen beschrieben, während eine akute Pankreatitis nur selten vorkommt. In der Regel wird die Erkrankung medikamentös behandelt. Es gibt keine Standards für ein mögliches chirurgisches Vorgehen. Wir berichten hier über eine Pankreatitis als seltene Komplikation einer F. hepatica bedingten Gallengangsobstruktion. Falls in diesen Fällen eine Operation durchgeführt wird, ist die externe Galleableitung zum Monitoring des Ansprechens auf eine Therapie ratsam.


Fasciola hepatica is a trematode rarely causing disease in humans. In symptomatic cases, while various pathologies such as damage to liver parenchyma, acute cholecystitis, and obstructive jaundice can be seen, the development of pancreatitis is rarely mentioned in the literature. The treatment of the disease is medical. In cases where no definite diagnosis can be made or in incidental cases where common bile duct exploration is being done, F. hepatica can be detected accidentally during operation. No consensus has yet been reached on the surgical procedure to be applied in this condition. We report on our case due to the rare occurrence of pancreatitis as a complication. In surgical cases, external drainage of the bile is both crucial in observing the response to the treatment, and also should be accepted as part of the treatment.


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Prof. Dr. Emin Ugur Erkocak

Cukurova University, Medical Faculty, Department of General Surgery


01330 Adana, Turkey

Email: eerkocak@cu.edu.tr