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Abstracts (HTML)
List of Authors
Abuzakouk, M.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Aftab, A. R.
MRCP does not Significantly Reduce ERCP Workload
Prophylactic Antibiotics for ERCP: Are they Needed?
An Audit of ERCPS Performed in a Single Regional Referral Centre
Ahmed, S. E.
Altered Bowel Habit – An Overrated Symptom for Colorectal Cancer
Ahmed, S. U.
Sources of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Anticoagulated vs. Non-Anticoagulated Patients; A Comparison Study
Akhtar, P.
Social Impact of Faecal Incontinence in Postpartum Women
Aslam, M.
Social Impact of Faecal Incontinence in Postpartum Women
Prospective, Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Glyceryl Trinitrate Ointment in the Treatment of Early Symptomatic Haemorrhoids
Austin, S. C.
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Azim, K.
Association of Interleukin 1 Beta Gene -511 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Eesophageal Cancer
Association of TNF Alpha -308 GG Genotype with Post Operative Infections in Oesophageal Cancer Patients
Baird, A.
Endemic Toxin Variant Clostridium Difficile in an Irish Teaching Hospital
Barrett, S.
House Keeping Genes in the Human Duodenum are regulated by Changes in Iron Homeostasis
House Keeping Genes and Expression Analysis using a Taqman Human Endogenous Control Plate in Human Hepatic Tissue
Behan, S.
Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Subpopulations
Bennett, K.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
Bergmann, A.
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
Briain, D. S.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Brodie, C.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Brown, S.
Do Patients with Reversible Haemorrhoidal Prolapse have fewer Complications after Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy than those with Permanent Prolapse
Buckley, M.
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
Buckley, M. J.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
Byrne, S.
Irish Higher Medical Training in Gastroenterology; Where are we Now?
Byrne, S. M.
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Canavan, J. B.
An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Yield of OGD for Non-Cardiac Chest Pain
Carton, E.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Clarke, E.
The Evolving Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS FNA) in Pancreatobiliary Disease
Colreavy, F.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Conneely, J. B.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Cooney, R.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Coss, A.
MRCP does not Significantly Reduce ERCP Workload
Prophylactic Antibiotics for ERCP: Are they Needed?
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
An Audit of ERCPS Performed in a Single Regional Referral Centre
Irish Higher Medical Training in Gastroenterology; Where are we Now?
Courtney, G.
MRCP does not Significantly Reduce ERCP Workload
Prophylactic Antibiotics for ERCP: Are they Needed?
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
An Audit of ERCPS Performed in a Single Regional Referral Centre
Crowe, J.
House Keeping Genes in the Human Duodenum are regulated by Changes in Iron Homeostasis
House Keeping Genes and Expression Analysis using a Taqman Human Endogenous Control Plate in Human Hepatic Tissue
Cummins, E.
Interaction of Helicobacter Pylori TRX1 with Gastric Epithelial Cells
Cunningham, F. O.
Acute Diverticulitis in Younger Patients
Curtin, R.
MRCP does not Significantly Reduce ERCP Workload
Date, R. S.
Impact of Specialisation in the Practice of Rectal Cancer Surgery at a District General Hospital
Debnath, D.
Significant Difference in the Handwritten and Dictated Discharge Notes – Outcome of an Audit on Medical Case Records in a Scottish Private Hospital
Delaney, D.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Dobson, M.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
Doherty, G.
Irish Higher Medical Training in Gastroenterology; Where are we Now?
Doherty, G. A.
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Doherty, M.
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
Donnellan, F.
Clinical Utility of Routine Screening for IGA Deficiency in Samples Tested for EMA
Doyle, M.
Is Positron Emission Tomography Scanning changing the Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancies?
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Drewes, A. M.
New Measurements of Oesophago-Gastric Junction Function
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
Drudy, D.
Endemic Toxin Variant Clostridium Difficile in an Irish Teaching Hospital
Duffy, G. J.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
Eltayab, A.
Colorectal Polyp Surveillance in a Single Gastroenterology Unit
Fanning, S.
Endemic Toxin Variant Clostridium Difficile in an Irish Teaching Hospital
Feely, J.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
Feighery, C.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Fenlon, H.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Fennelly, D.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Fitzgerald, D. J.
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Fox, E. J.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Frokjaer, J.
New Measurements of Oesophago-Gastric Junction Function
Frøkjær, J. B.
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
Gaffney, E.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Garrett, D.
Improving Bowel Preparation for Out-Patient Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Geary, A.
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
Geraghty, R.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Gidwani, A.
Improving Bowel Preparation for Out-Patient Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Gidwani, A. L.
Impact of Specialisation in the Practice of Rectal Cancer Surgery at a District General Hospital
Gilliland, R.
Improving Bowel Preparation for Out-Patient Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Impact of Specialisation in the Practice of Rectal Cancer Surgery at a District General Hospital
Gleeson, F.
House Keeping Genes in the Human Duodenum are regulated by Changes in Iron Homeostasis
House Keeping Genes and Expression Analysis using a Taqman Human Endogenous Control Plate in Human Hepatic Tissue
The Evolving Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS FNA) in Pancreatobiliary Disease
Goepanang, M.
Colorectal Polyp Surveillance in a Single Gastroenterology Unit
Golden-Mason, L.
HCV:CD81 Interactions Inhibit Il-2 Production by T Cells: A Novel HCV Immune Evasion Strategy
Quantitative and Qualitative Gender Differences in the Immune System may Contribute to the Mild Progression of HCV Infection in Women
Gorman, J.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
Grainger, R. J.
An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Yield of OGD for Non-Cardiac Chest Pain
Gregersen, H.
New Measurements of Oesophago-Gastric Junction Function
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
Haray, P. N.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy: Lessons to learn from a District General Hospital Experience
Harinath, G.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy: Lessons to learn from a District General Hospital Experience
Harnedy, N.
Endemic Toxin Variant Clostridium Difficile in an Irish Teaching Hospital
Harte, S. E.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
Hegarty, J.
Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Subpopulations
Hegarty, J. E.
HCV:CD81 Interactions Inhibit Il-2 Production by T Cells: A Novel HCV Immune Evasion Strategy
Quantitative and Qualitative Gender Differences in the Immune System may Contribute to the Mild Progression of HCV Infection in Women
Henehan, G.
Characterization of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Hughes, D.
Impact of Specialisation in the Practice of Rectal Cancer Surgery at a District General Hospital
Humadi, S.
Prospective, Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Glyceryl Trinitrate Ointment in the Treatment of Early Symptomatic Haemorrhoids
Hussey, J. K.
Significant Difference in the Handwritten and Dictated Discharge Notes – Outcome of an Audit on Medical Case Records in a Scottish Private Hospital
Hutcheson, M.
Significant Difference in the Handwritten and Dictated Discharge Notes – Outcome of an Audit on Medical Case Records in a Scottish Private Hospital
Hyland, J.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
Hyland, J. M.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Joseph, A.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy: Lessons to learn from a District General Hospital Experience
Katory, M.
Do Patients with Reversible Haemorrhoidal Prolapse have fewer Complications after Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy than those with Permanent Prolapse
Kay, E. W.
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Keegan, D.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Keenan, C.
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
Kelleher, D.
Interaction of Helicobacter Pylori TRX1 with Gastric Epithelial Cells
Association of Interleukin 1 Beta Gene -511 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Eesophageal Cancer
Association of TNF Alpha -308 GG Genotype with Post Operative Infections in Oesophageal Cancer Patients
Characterization of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Chronic but not Acute Treatment with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers (CIS-9, Trans-11 CLA and Trans-10, CIS-12 CLA) Inhibit DCA-Induced Protein Kinase C and NF-KB Activation in Humans Colorectal Cancer Cells
Kelleher, D. P.
Passive Immunisation of Hamsters against Clostridium Difficile Infection using Antibodies against Surface Layer Proteins
Kelly, A. M.
HCV:CD81 Interactions Inhibit Il-2 Production by T Cells: A Novel HCV Immune Evasion Strategy
Kelly, J.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Kennedy, F.
Intravenous PPI Treatment: A Reflex Action?
Kennedy, M. J.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Keoghan, M.
Clinical Utility of Routine Screening for IGA Deficiency in Samples Tested for EMA
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Kunwald, P.
New Measurements of Oesophago-Gastric Junction Function
Kyne, L.
Endemic Toxin Variant Clostridium Difficile in an Irish Teaching Hospital
Leahy, D. T.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Lee, J. M.
Management of Hepatitis C Infection: A Retrospective Audit of Treatment Outcomes in Clinical Practice
Lennon, A.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Lennon, J.
The Evolving Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS FNA) in Pancreatobiliary Disease
Leroy, V.
Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Subpopulations
Liao, D. H.
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
Long, A.
HCV:CD81 Interactions Inhibit Il-2 Production by T Cells: A Novel HCV Immune Evasion Strategy
Long, D.
Colorectal Polyp Surveillance in a Single Gastroenterology Unit
Lynch, L.
Quantitative and Qualitative Gender Differences in the Immune System may Contribute to the Mild Progression of HCV Infection in Women
MacCarthy, F.
Management of Hepatitis C Infection: A Retrospective Audit of Treatment Outcomes in Clinical Practice
MacMathuna, P.
The Evolving Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine Needle Aspiration (EUS FNA) in Pancreatobiliary Disease
Maguire, D.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Mahmud, N.
Chronic but not Acute Treatment with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers (CIS-9, Trans-11 CLA and Trans-10, CIS-12 CLA) Inhibit DCA-Induced Protein Kinase C and NF-KB Activation in Humans Colorectal Cancer Cells
Mahon, J.
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
Makar, R.
Improving Bowel Preparation for Out-Patient Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Mallick, I. H.
Effect of Ischaemic Preconditioning of the Intestine on the Portal Venous Blood Flow
Malone, D. E.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
Malone, R.
Characterization of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Marsh, B.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
McCabe, M. S.
Passive Immunisation of Hamsters against Clostridium Difficile Infection using Antibodies against Surface Layer Proteins
McCormack, G.
Sources of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Anticoagulated vs. Non-Anticoagulated Patients; A Comparison Study
McCorry, R. B.
Follow Up and Management of Complications from Metal Self Expanding Oesophageal Stents for Malignancy
McDonald, S.
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
McEntee, G. P.
Is Positron Emission Tomography Scanning changing the Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancies?
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
McGrath, J. P.
Acute Diverticulitis in Younger Patients
McGrath, M.
Colorectal Polyp Surveillance in a Single Gastroenterology Unit
McGurk, C.
Living on the Fat of the Land: The Changing Face of Malnutrition amongst Medical Patients
McLoughlin, R.
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
McMahon, B. P.
New Measurements of Oesophago-Gastric Junction Function
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
McManus, R.
Association of Interleukin 1 Beta Gene -511 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Eesophageal Cancer
Association of TNF Alpha -308 GG Genotype with Post Operative Infections in Oesophageal Cancer Patients
McNicholas, M.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Mee, B.
Characterization of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Mitchell, S.
Interaction of Helicobacter Pylori TRX1 with Gastric Epithelial Cells
Mohamed, B.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
Mohammed, L. A. R.
Acute Diverticulitis in Younger Patients
Moran, C.
Is Positron Emission Tomography Scanning changing the Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancies?
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Morcos, B. B.
Acute Diverticulitis in Younger Patients
Moss, A.
Irish Higher Medical Training in Gastroenterology; Where are we Now?
Muftah, M.
Chronic but not Acute Treatment with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers (CIS-9, Trans-11 CLA and Trans-10, CIS-12 CLA) Inhibit DCA-Induced Protein Kinase C and NF-KB Activation in Humans Colorectal Cancer Cells
Mulcahy, H.
Intravenous PPI Treatment: A Reflex Action?
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
Mulcahy, H. E.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Murphy, W. P.
Follow Up and Management of Complications from Metal Self Expanding Oesophageal Stents for Malignancy
Murray, F. E.
An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Yield of OGD for Non-Cardiac Chest Pain
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Clinical Utility of Routine Screening for IGA Deficiency in Samples Tested for EMA
Murray, J.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Nanda, K.
Colorectal Polyp Surveillance in a Single Gastroenterology Unit
Neilly, P.
Impact of Specialisation in the Practice of Rectal Cancer Surgery at a District General Hospital
Ní Eidhin, D. B.
Passive Immunisation of Hamsters against Clostridium Difficile Infection using Antibodies against Surface Layer Proteins
Nolan, K.
Intravenous PPI Treatment: A Reflex Action?
O'Brien, J. B.
Passive Immunisation of Hamsters against Clostridium Difficile Infection using Antibodies against Surface Layer Proteins
O'Connor, H.
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
O'Connor, H. J.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
O'Donoghue, D.
Intravenous PPI Treatment: A Reflex Action?
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
O'Donoghue, D. P.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
O'Farrelly, C.
HCV:CD81 Interactions Inhibit Il-2 Production by T Cells: A Novel HCV Immune Evasion Strategy
Quantitative and Qualitative Gender Differences in the Immune System may Contribute to the Mild Progression of HCV Infection in Women
Interferon-Stimulated Gene Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Subpopulations
O'Leary, C.
Clinical Utility of Routine Screening for IGA Deficiency in Samples Tested for EMA
O'Mahony, R.
Endemic Toxin Variant Clostridium Difficile in an Irish Teaching Hospital
O'Morain, C.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
O'Riain, C.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
O'Shea, U.
Investigation of Individuals with Positive Endomysial Antibodies and Normal Duodenal Biopsy for Evidence of Coeliac Disease
O'Sullivan, J.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
O'Sullivan, K.
Barrett's Oesophagus (BE)Surveillance: What is its Real Role?
Patchett, S. E.
An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Yield of OGD for Non-Cardiac Chest Pain
Clinical Utility of Routine Screening for IGA Deficiency in Samples Tested for EMA
Phelan, D.
Delayed Necrosectomy Improves Outcome in Severe Necrotising Pancreatitis
Power, L.
Quantitative and Qualitative Gender Differences in the Immune System may Contribute to the Mild Progression of HCV Infection in Women
Qasim, A.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
Quera, R.
Barrett's Oesophagus (BE)Surveillance: What is its Real Role?
Quigley, E. M. M.
Barrett's Oesophagus (BE)Surveillance: What is its Real Role?
Raman, S.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy: Lessons to learn from a District General Hospital Experience
Reynolds, J.
Association of Interleukin 1 Beta Gene -511 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with Eesophageal Cancer
Association of TNF Alpha -308 GG Genotype with Post Operative Infections in Oesophageal Cancer Patients
Reynolds, J. V.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Ridge, C.
Intravenous PPI Treatment: A Reflex Action?
Ridge, C. A.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
Roche, H.
Chronic but not Acute Treatment with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers (CIS-9, Trans-11 CLA and Trans-10, CIS-12 CLA) Inhibit DCA-Induced Protein Kinase C and NF-KB Activation in Humans Colorectal Cancer Cells
Rosen, H. R.
HCV:CD81 Interactions Inhibit Il-2 Production by T Cells: A Novel HCV Immune Evasion Strategy
Roy, J.
Do Patients with Reversible Haemorrhoidal Prolapse have fewer Complications after Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy than those with Permanent Prolapse
Russell, J.
House Keeping Genes in the Human Duodenum are regulated by Changes in Iron Homeostasis
House Keeping Genes and Expression Analysis using a Taqman Human Endogenous Control Plate in Human Hepatic Tissue
Ryan, E.
House Keeping Genes in the Human Duodenum are regulated by Changes in Iron Homeostasis
House Keeping Genes and Expression Analysis using a Taqman Human Endogenous Control Plate in Human Hepatic Tissue
Sadlier, D.
Irish Higher Medical Training in Gastroenterology; Where are we Now?
Scully, G. M.
DRAK2 a Novel Effector of Apoptosis is Modulated by Cyclooxygenase 2 in Colorectal Cancer
Sebastian, S.
Patients with Azathioprine/6-Mercaptopurine Refractory Inflammatory Bowel Disease are more prone to 6-Thioguanine Related Toxicity
Seifalian, A. M.
Effect of Ischaemic Preconditioning of the Intestine on the Portal Venous Blood Flow
Shah, S. A.
Chronic but not Acute Treatment with Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Isomers (CIS-9, Trans-11 CLA and Trans-10, CIS-12 CLA) Inhibit DCA-Induced Protein Kinase C and NF-KB Activation in Humans Colorectal Cancer Cells
Sheahan, K.
Is Telomere Length shortening a Predictive Biomarker for Cancer Risk in Ulcerative Colitis?
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Sheehan, J. J.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
Skehan, S. J.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
Smith, F. M.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Steffensen, E.
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to Determine the 3D Geometry in the Human Rectum
Stephens, R. B.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Stewart, C.
PN but not PT Determined by MRI May Accurately Stage Rectal Cancers after Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy
Tham, T. C. K.
Follow Up and Management of Complications from Metal Self Expanding Oesophageal Stents for Malignancy
Theyventhiran, R.
Intravenous PPI Treatment: A Reflex Action?
Thornton, O.
Dyspepsia Prescribing by Primary Care Physicians (PCPS) – The Impact of an Open Access Urea Breath Test Service
UdDin, M.
Colorectal Polyp Surveillance in a Single Gastroenterology Unit
Walsh, K. M.
Altered Bowel Habit – An Overrated Symptom for Colorectal Cancer
Ward, E. V. M.
The Diagnostic Accuracy of FDG PET in the Detection of Recurrence of Colorectal Carcinoma and its Affect on Intention to Treat
White, A.
E-Cadherin Promoter Hypermethylation in Sporadic Colorectal Cancer
Windle, H.
Interaction of Helicobacter Pylori TRX1 with Gastric Epithelial Cells
Characterization of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Winslet, M. C.
Effect of Ischaemic Preconditioning of the Intestine on the Portal Venous Blood Flow
Yang, W.
Effect of Ischaemic Preconditioning of the Intestine on the Portal Venous Blood Flow
Zulquernain, S. A.
An Audit of ERCPS Performed in a Single Regional Referral Centre