Endoscopy 2000; 32(9): 723-727
DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-7030
Case Report

Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

Severe Complications Caused by Dissolution of Latex with Consequent Self-Disintegration of Esophageal Plastic Tubes

C. Löser
  • I. Medical Dept., Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)

A case of decisive material degeneration of an esophageal Celestin tube is described: a 50-year-old man with adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus received a Celestin tube for palliative endoscopic treatment and 8 months later presented with suddenly occurring complete dysphagia. Dissolution of the latex layer in the proximal as well as the distal part of the tube had caused self-disintegration of the Celestin tube and had liberated the monofilament nylon coil which completely obstructed the lumen of the tube. Endoscopic tube removal was only possible by careful attachment of a balloon catheter and peroral extraction after insufflation with contrast medium up to 5 atm. A Medline-based review of the literature revealed different but predominantly severe complications (perforation, hemorrhage, obstruction, and peritonitis) based on material fatigue of the latex layer in esophageal Celestin tubes. At least 6 months after placement of a Celestin tube, regular fluoroscopic controls should be performed to detect early disintegration of the tube. Indication for the placement of Celestin tubes in patients with benign esophageal strictures and longer life expectancy should be assessed very critically.


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Chr. Löser

I. Medizinische Universitätsklinik Kiel

Schittenhelmstrasse 12 24105 Kiel Germany

Fax: Fax:+ 49-431-5971302

Email: E-mail:chr.loeser@1med.uni-kiel.de