DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Ausgabe 04 · Volume 34 · April 2002 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-1629

Original Article

Costamagna , G.; Tringali , A.; Shah , S. K.; Mutignani , M.; Zuccalà , G.; Perri , V.: Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients After Endoscopic Sphincterotomy for Choledocholithiasis, and Risk Factors for Recurrence
Christoforidis, E.; Goulimaris, I.; Kanellos, I.; Tsalis, K.; Demetriades, C.; Betsis, D.: Post-ERCP Pancreatitis and Hyperamylasemia: Patient-Related and Operative Risk Factors
Enns , R.; Eloubeidi , M. A.; Mergener , K.; Jowell , P. S.; Branch , M. S.; Pappas , T. M.; Baillie , J.: ERCP-Related Perforations: Risk Factors and Management
Rigo , G. P.; Camellini , L.; Azzolini , F.; Guazzetti , S.; Bedogni , G.; Merighi , A.; Bellis , L.; Scarcelli , A.; Manenti , F.: What is the Utility of Selected Clinical and Endoscopic Parameters in Predicting the Risk of Death after Caustic Ingestion?
Mylonaki, D.; Alexakis, N.; Archodovassilis, F.; Konstadoulakis, M. M.; Leandros, E.; Androulakis, G.: Latent Adenocarcinoma of the Colon Discovered During or After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Fujioka , S.; Yamamoto , K.; Okamoto , R.; Miyake , M.; Ujike , K.; Shimada , N.; Terada , R.; Miyake , Y.; Nakajima , H.; Piao , C.-Y.; Iwasaki , Y.; Tanimizu , M.; Tsuji , T.: Laparoscopic Features of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in AMA-Positive and AMA-Negative Patients



The Expert Approach


Case Report

Enns , R.; Schmidt , N.; Harrison , P.; Chipperfield , P.; Skarsgaard , P.; Brown , J. A.: Endoscopic Diagnosis of a Right Hepatic Artery Pseudoaneurysm
Nakase , H.; Okazaki , K.; Ohana , M.; Ikeda , K.; Uchida , K.; Uose , S.; Itoh , T.; Iwano , M.; Watanabe , N.; Yazumi , S.; Kawanami , C.; Inoue , F.; Chiba , T.: The Possible Involvement of Micro-Organisms Other Than Helicobacter pylori in the Development of Rectal MALT Lymphoma in H. Pylori-Negative Patients

Letter to the Editor

Taylor, A. C. F.; Chen, R. Y. M.; Desmond, P. V.: Reply to Bureš & Rejchrt

Unusual Cases and Technical Notes

Massironi , S.; Penagini , R.; Bardella , M. T.; Di Carlo , V.; Conte , D.; Quatrini , M.: An Unusual Endoscopic Feature in the Duodenum of a Young Girl With Intraluminal Duodenal Diverticulum

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