DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 43 · Juni 2011 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22005

Original Basic

Mornagui, B.; Rezg, R.; Grissa, A.; Gharib, C.; Kamoun, A.; El-Fazaa, S.; Gharbi, N.: Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Corticosterone Release and Glucose Metabolism in Food Deprived Rats
Geiger, K.; Muendlein, A.; Stark, N.; Saely, C. H.; Wabitsch, M.; Fraunberger, P.; Drexel, H.: Hypoxia Induces Apelin Expression in Human Adipocytes


Seiva, F. R. F.; Chuffa, L. G. A.; Ebaid, G. M. X.; Silva, T.; Fernandes, A. A. H.; Novelli, E. L. B.: Calorimetry, Morphometry, Oxidative Stress, and Cardiac Metabolic Response to Growth Hormone Treatment in Obese and Aged Rats
Sipos, W.; Kralicek, E.; Rauner, M.; Duvigneau, C. J.; Worliczek, H. L.; Schamall, D.; Hartl, R. T.; Sommerfeld-Stur, I.; Dall’Ara, E.; Varga, P.; Resch, H.; Schwendenwein, I.; Zysset, P.; Pietschmann, P.: Bone and Cellular Immune System of Multiparous Sows are Insensitive to Ovariectomy and Nutritive Calcium Shortage
Figueiredo, M. S.; de Moura, E. G.; Lisboa, P. C.; Troina, A. A.; Trevenzoli, I. H.; Oliveira, E.; Boaventura, G. T.; da Fonseca Passos, M. C.: Maternal Flaxseed Diet During Lactation Programs Thyroid Hormones Metabolism and Action in the Male Adult Offspring in Rats

Humans, Clinical

Verburg, F. A.; Kirchgässner, C.; Hebestreit, H.; Steigerwald, U.; Lentjes, E. G. W. M.; Ergezinger, K.; Grelle, I.; Reiners, C.; Luster, M.: Reference Ranges for Analytes of Thyroid Function in Children
Mlinar, B.; Ferk, P.; Pfeifer, M.; Geršak, K.; Marc, J.: Lipin 1 Gene Polymorphisms in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Short Communication