DOI : 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 06 · Volume 46 · September 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-003-25566

Abstracts of the 28th Symposium of the AGNP
Munich, Germany, 18th – 21st September 2013

Chairs: Johannes Kornhuber, Erlangen, Christian P. Müller, Erlangen, Ulrich Hegerl, Leipzig

Kollmannsberger, LK; Gassen, NC; Bultmann, A; Hartmann, J; Weber, P; Schmidt, MV; Rein, T: Increased glyoxalase-1 levels in Fkbp5 knock-out mice caused by Glo1 gene duplication
Menke, A; Arloth, J; Gerber, M; Rex-Haffner, M; Uhr, M; Holsboer, F; Binder, EB; Holsboer-Trachsler, E; Beck, J: Dexamethasone stimulated gene expression in peripheral blood indicates glucocorticoid-receptor hypersensitivity in job-related exhaustion
Mikoteit, T; Brand, S; Seelig, E; Keller, U; Bilz, S; Hatzinger, M; Holsboer-Trachsler, E: Greater REM sleep instability is associated with increased nocturnal cortisol secretion and shortened REM sleep latency
Rak, M; Kunath, N; Breitenstein, B; Pawlowski, M; Steiger, A; Dresler, M: Endocrine and cognitive effects of a radically polyphasic sleep schedule
Rak, M; Schredl, M; Beitinger, P; Steiger, A; Dresler, M: Dream recall, nightmares and lucid dreaming in narcoleptic patients
Schuessler, P; Adamczyk, M; Beitinger, P; Beitinger, M; Cordeiro, S; Mattern, C; Uhr, M; Yassouridis, A; Friess, E; Steiger, A: Effects of intranasal progesterone on sleep EEG and hormone secretion in menopauseal women
Wöhr, M; Tose, A; Wanat, MJ; Hart, AS; Hollon, NG; Phillips, PEM; Schwarting, RKW; Willuhn, I: Phasic dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens in response to ultrasonic vocalizations serving a pro-social communicative function in rats
Zimmermann, M; Mette, C; Grabemann, M; Abdel-Hamid, M; Zepf, F; Wiltfang, J; Kis, B: The impact of 5-HT on neuropsychological trajectories of adult ADHD
Becker, B; Scheele, D; Klein, EM; Striepens, N; Mihov, Y; Schlaepfer, TE; Reul, J; Goossens, L; Schruers, K; Kendrick, KM; Hurlemann, R: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors contribute to learning-induced metaplasticity in the hippocampus
Brand, S; Gerber, M; Kalak, N; Kirov, R; Lemola, S; Pühse, U; Holsboer-Trachsler, E: Adolescents with greater mental toughness show higher sleep efficiency, more deep sleep and fewer awakenings after sleep onset
Elbau, I; Kiem, SA; Prosser, A; Eidner, I; Czisch, M; Sämann, PG: Monitoring the acute stress response and its aftermath using combined fMRI/endocrine measurements
Keeser, D; Karch, S; Segmiller, F; Hantschk, I; Padberg, F; Engelbregt, H; Pogarell, O: Discovering oscillatory EEG interactions after electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) interventions in patients with severe depression
Reinders, SN; Rein, T: A nuclear role of FKBP51?