DOI : 10.1055/s-00000054


Issue 06 · Volume 47 · September 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27601

Abstracts of the XIth Symposium of the AGNP Working Group “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring” of the AGNP
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) in Psychiatry – Past, Presence and Future
Würzburg, Germany, 17th–19th, September 2014

Organizers: J. Deckert, P. Riederer, M. Gerlach, M. Romanos, B. Pfuhlmann, S. Unterecker

Paulzen, M; Veselinovic, T; Frergsen, N; Goecke, T; Hiemke, C; Gründer, G: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in maternal serum, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood during pregnancy and delivery